360Learning Knowledge Base
Edit platform settings
- Activate AI moderation in forums
- Block email reminders during weekends
- Hide the newsfeed
- Customize the colors of a group
- Translate a skill
- Customize reaction visuals
- Customize the colors of your platform
- Customize platform appearance with custom CSS
- Delete all platform data
- Edit the platform’s general settings
- Edit the platform’s advanced settings
- Add a tag section to the homepage
- Deactivate the catalog
- Customize the platform URL
- Customize the sender email address for notifications (no-reply@360learning.com)
- Access content from the homepage
- Activate the IP address filter
- Add a privacy policy, a moderation charter and terms of use
- Connection problems: whitelist 360Learning
- Cancel your Team subscription
- Search rules for the legacy search engine
- Manage API keys
- Add, edit, and delete tags