Platform admins can edit the platform’s advanced settings.
- In the left sidebar, click on the platform group (with the golden crown at the bottom right of its icon).
- At the top right of the main section, click Settings.
- In the left sidebar, click Advanced.
You can change the following elements:
- The redirection link of the logo.
- The platform URL
- The sender email address for notifications
- The login page background
- The newsfeed visibility on the homepage for all users
- The default content visibility settings
- Whether coaches’ invitations need to be validated by administrators
- The IP filter
- The safe links settings
- The authenticated links settings
- The password restriction settings
- The Keep me signed in option on the login page
- The Live Learners setting
- When playing a course at the same time as other users, learners can see the live progress of other users by looking at the progress ring around their avatar.
The platform owner can also: