Customize the sender email address for notifications (

  • Updated

By default, notifications are sent from the email address You can replace it with an email address that you own (for instance, an email from your custom domain).

An admin from a private group may change the email address for the notifications of their group. A platform admin may change the email address for the notifications of the platform, and any private group.

Email notifications sent by the classroom block in a program must be sent by You cannot customize that email address.

  1. In the left sidebar, click on a group.
  2. At the top right of the main section, click settings.svg Settings.
  3. In the left sidebar, click Advanced.
  4. In the field Customize the sender email address for notification emails, enter the new email address, then hit the ↵ Enter key.
  5. Below the field, click Validate the status of your sender email address.
  7. Keep the tab open.
  8. In parallel, open the email inbox of the corresponding email address.
  9. Open the email called Amazon Web Services - Email Address Verification Request, sent by Amazon Web Services.
  10. Click on the validation link in the email (the link expires 24 hours after the email is sent).
  11. Go back to the platform and click Refresh the sender email address for notification (below the text field).
  12. The new email address is live when the status shows validated.

You can restore the default email address ( by deleting the new email address in the text field.

Displayed name as the sender of email notifications

The name displayed as the sender of notifications depends on the type of notifications.

  • If it's a post: the name displayed as the sender of the mail is the name of the author of the post.
  • If it's a like (on a post): the name displayed as the sender of the mail is the group from where the "like" was done.
  • For all other emails: the name displayed as the sender of the mail is the name of the highest level private group to which the recipient belongs.

    • If the recipient does not belong to any private group (for example, if they only have the administrator role in a public group, and no learner role), the name displayed as the sender of the mail is that of the lowest level private group above all the recipient’s groups.
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