Edit a course

  • Updated

The main author of the course, other authors from their group, co-authors, and platform administrators can edit courses, even after they have been shared or added to a path or program. This allows them to update or correct it.

You can access active courses by clicking Courses at the top of the homepage.

Editing the same course in multiple browsers or tabs can lead to lost changes.

Edit the general settings of a course

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Courses.
  2. Click on a course.

In Course Setup, you can change the following elements:

  • Cover picture
  • Title
  • Summary of presentation
  • Presentation type:
    • Slideshow: Activities are presented sequentially. Learners can play every activity in the course individually, before moving to the next activity.
    • Single Page: Activities are presented as a group in a single scrolling view.
      • With Question gating enabled by default, learners can view every activity in the course until they reach a question. Learners must then answer the question to view the following comments and activities.
      • With Question gating disabled, learners can play every activity in any order.
  • Main author
  • Co-authors
  • Translators (if applicable)
  • Reviewers (if applicable)
  • Tags

At the top right, click settings.svg Course Settings to change the following elements:

Edit the Owner group

Group authors and administrators can change the course Owner group to any other group that they are either an author or administrator of. 

To change the Owner group:

      1. At the top of the homepage, click Courses.
      2. Click on a course.
      3. In the top right, click settings.svg Course Settings.
      4. Click the current Owner group.
      5. Select the new Owner group.
      6. Click CONFIRM.

Add an activity

Learners can see the new activity when they play the course again after finishing it, or if they click refresh.svg Refresh in the course homepage.

      1. At the top of the homepage, click Courses.
      2. Click on a course.
      3. In the left sidebar, below the list of activities, click on a type of activity.

Learners who have already started the course will not see the changes until they exit the course and refresh, or launch a new program session with the course.

Edit an activity

Changes made to an activity are instantly visible to all users who have access to the course.

Edit a document

      1. At the top of the homepage, click Courses.
      2. Click on a course.
      3. In the left sidebar, click on a document.
      4. At the top right of the document preview, click settings.svg Settings.
      5. Click Update the file (if the document was uploaded), or edit the Source.

You can also change its name, description, thumbnail, and excerpt (if it is a video).

Edit a cheat sheet or a question

      1. At the top of the homepage, click Courses.
      2. Click on a course.
      3. In the left sidebar, click on a cheat sheet or a question.
      4. Make the changes.
      5. Click outside the field to save changes.

Edit a video recording

To change a video recording, you will need to delete the old one and rerecord:

      1. At the top of the homepage, click Courses.
      2. Click on a course.
      3. In the left sidebar, click on a recording.
      4. At the top right of the video, click bin.svg Delete.
      5. Click DELETE.
      6. Click START RECORDING.
      7. Record the new video.
      8. On the bottom, click STOP RECORDING.
      9. On the top right of the video, click SAVE.

Reorder activities

Learners can see the new order of activities when they play the course again after finishing it, or if they click refresh.svg Refresh in the course homepage.

      1. At the top of the homepage, click Courses.
      2. Click on a course.
      3. In the left sidebar, drag and drop activities to reorder them.

The new order is automatically saved.

Learners who have already started the course will not see the changes until they exit the course and refresh, or launch a new program session with the course.

Delete an activity

If a learner has already started the activity, the deleted activities will be visible to them until they play the course again after finishing it, or if they click refresh.svg Refresh in the course homepage.

      1. At the top of the homepage, click Courses.
      2. Click on a course.
      3. In the left sidebar, on the right of the activity name, click Delete (icon of an X).
      4. Click Yes.

Learners who have already started the course will not see the changes until they exit the course and refresh, or launch a new program session with the course.

Edit a SCORM course

Replacing one SCORM file with another is instantly visible to all Learners who have access to the course.

      1. At the top of the homepage, click Courses.
      2. Hover over the course row to access icons on the right side of the row.
      3. Click pen.svg Edit course.
      4. Click settings.svg Settings in the SCORM activity.
      5. Click UPDATE THE FILE.
      6. Select the SCORM file on your computer (must be a .zip file).
      7. Click SAVE.

For users who have not completed the course, the progress is not kept from one file to another (the cmi.suspend_data element is deleted).

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