Archive & delete a course

  • Updated

Who can use this feature?

  • Authors and co-authors can archive, delete, and restore their courses.
  • Group administrators can archive and restore the courses within their group.
  • Platform administrators archive, delete, and restore all courses on the platform.

Archive a course

Archiving a course doesn’t delete its contents, but prevents it from being added to new programs and paths. The archived course remains available in existing programs and paths but will be hidden from search results.

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Courses.
  2. On the right of the course row, click 3Dots.svg â†’ Archive.

Restore an archived course

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Courses.
  2. At the top left, click slider.svg Filter.
  3. Click Status → Archived.
  4. Close the filter panel by clicking X at the top right.
  5. On the right of the course, click 3Dots.svg â†’ Unarchive.

Delete a course

Deleting a course erases all its contents and activities. We suggest archiving courses by default.

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Courses.
  2. On the right of the course, click 3Dots.svg  â†’ Delete.
  3. Click CONFIRM.

Restore a deleted course

You can restore a deleted course within 30 days of deletion.

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Courses.
  2. At the top left, click slider.svg Filter.
  3. Click Status → Deleted.
  4. On the right of the course, click folderUp.svg Restore.
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