To add a video to a course, see Add a video to a course.
Add a document from your computer
- At the top of the homepage, click Courses.
- On the right of the course row, click Edit.
- In the left sidebar, below the list of activities, click Add a document.
- Choose a file from your computer.
By default, the title of the document will be that of the file. You can change the title by clicking on it.
The size limit for document upload is 6GB. We recommend not going above a few hundred MB per file (this value depends of course on your authors’ and learners’ network, as well as computer performance).
Audio files cannot be played directly in a course; learners can download them to play them on their computer, or mobile device. Alternatively, you can upload the audio file to an audio playing platform (such as SoundCloud, Google Drive or Genially), then use the embed code of that platform to add it to the course. You can also transform the audio into a video, then add the video to the course.
- Audio : .mp3, .m4a, .wav, .ogg, .aac, .opus
- AutoCAD : .dwg
- Archives : .zip, .rar, .7z, .rbz, .a
- CAO : .stl
- Calendar: .ics
- Barcode: .btw
- Ebook: .azw3, .epub
- Excel: .xlsx, .xls, .xlsm, .ods, .csv, numbers, .xlsb, .gsheet, .xlt, .xltx
- Flash: .swf, .f4v
- Illustrations: .ai, .svg, .skp, .odg, .emf, .wmf, .vsdx, .jpe, .ps, .mcd, .psd, .xcf
- Images: .jpg, .png, .heic, .gif, .jfif, .webp, .ico, .jpeg, .tif, .tiff, .bmp, .wdp, .jxr, .pdn, .jp2
- JSON: .json
- Keynote license: .key
- Mail: .msg, .eml
- Mathematica: .mm
- Microsoft Power BI Report: .pbix
- Mindmap: .xmind, .mvdx
- Modeling: .rfa, .ifc
- Music: .enc
- Network report: .pkt
- One Note: .one
- PDF: .pdf, .xps
- Project: .gan
- Publisher: .pub
- Question: .quiz
- Table: .twb
- Text: .log
- Plain text: .txt, .md
- Slideshow: .pptx, .ppt, .ppsx, .odp; .pptm, .ppsm, .pps, gslides, flipchart, .ppta
- Vault: .dvs
- Video: .wmv, .vob, .mts.mpg, .mpeg, .mkv, .m2ts, .flv, .3gp, .mp4, .webm, .mov, .m4v, .3gpp, .m2t, .avi
- Word: .docx, .doc, .odt, .pages, .rtf, .story, .dotx, .dot, .wps, .sdoc
Some documents will be converted into PDF format when uploaded to the platform, for more details please refer to Document-to-PDF conversion.
If your document uses another format, we suggest compressing it in the .zip
format before uploading it.
Add a web document
Some web documents (like YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion or LinkedIn SlideShare videos) can be added with their direct link (in the format https://...
- At the top of the homepage, click Courses.
- On the right of the course row, click Edit.
- In the left sidebar, below the list of activities, click  Add a document.
- In the section Paste a web link, paste the document link.
Other documents must be added with their integration link (in the format <iframe>...</iframe>
, or <embed>...</embed>
- At the top of the homepage, click Courses.
- On the right of the course row, click Edit.
- In the left sidebar, below the list of activities, click Add a document.
- In the section Paste an embed code, paste the code.
See Get the embed code of a document.
Make a document downloadable by learners
- At the top of the homepage, click Courses.
- On the right of the course row, click Edit.
- On the top right of the document (not the top bar of the screen), click Settings.
- Select The document can be downloaded checkbox.
Learners will then be able to download the document by clicking Download on the top right of the document when playing the activity.
Images can be saved by right-clicking Save as....
See Download a document.
View documents added to the platform
- In the homepage, at the top of the newsfeed, click on the text field to publish a post.
- On the bottom right of the text area, click Attachments.
- On the top, click the section Reuse.
If you’re a platform administrator, you can see the list of all documents uploaded to the platform.
Other users can see the documents they uploaded themselves, documents they saw in a course, or documents shared in the newsfeed of one of their groups.
Edit a document in a course
See Edit a document.
Delete a document
You can delete a document by clicking on the cross on the right of its name, in the document upload window.
- At the bottom right of the homepage, click on the text field to publish a post.
- On the top right, click on the trombone icon.
- On the top, click REUSE.
- On the right of the document, click Delete.
If the document is used in a course, delete the activity in the course before deleting the document.