Add an open-ended question to a course

  • Updated

Open-ended questions must be corrected by an evaluator. Learners can answer by submitting a text and/or a document.

Video Pitch and Screencast Demo questions are only available with the Coaching Solution.

Create an open-ended question

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Courses.
  2. Click on a course.
  3. In the left sidebar, below the list of existing activities, click ADD ACTIVITY.
  4. Select Open Question, Video Pitch, or Screencast Demo.
  5. Enter the title of the question.

Add a validation step for open-ended questions

By default, learners can continue their program after having submitted the answer to an open-ended question and do not need to wait for the correction.

You can, however, add a validation step to make sure the learners continue only if their answer meets certain criteria. There are two approaches :

  • add a minimum score to the course (make sure the learners can't reach this score by answering correctly to all the other course questions or create a standalone course with the open-ended question);
  • add an assessment step after the course (make sure the open-ended question is at the end of the course, and add the assessment block just after the course in the program template).

Add validation instructions for evaluators

This feature requires the Coaching Solution. Contact your Account Manager to know more.

If you have the Coaching Solution, course instructors can also add additional information to open-ended questions for the evaluators. Authors will see a new field labeled Instruction for evaluators. When filled out, this information will show up in the VALIDATIONS screen.

Change the evaluator of an open-ended question

By default, open-ended questions are corrected by the session's instructors, however, you can change this to the learner's managers.

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Courses.
  2. Click on a course.
  3. In the left sidebar, click the open-ended question.
  4. In the section Select method of correction, select Learner’s manager(s).

Correct an open-ended question

The score of an open-ended question is initialized at 0% when the learner sends the answer. If the corrector validates the answer, the score changes to 100%, or remains at 0% otherwise.

Depending on the settings of the question, the answer can be corrected by the session instructors or the learner’s manager.

  1. At the top of the homepage, click chevronRight.svg→ Validations.
  2. In the Pending section, select an open-ended question.
  3. Enter your feedback in the Summary section.
    • NOTE: If your platform has the Coaching Solution, you can also send feedback through video. Hit the Record button on the bottom left of the text field to start.
  4. Click SAVE.
  5. On the bottom right, click Reject, Retry, or Validate.

If the evaluator clicks Reject or Validate, the answer moves to the section Done. If the evaluator clicks Retry, the learner can submit a new answer for the same question.

For platforms with the Coaching Solution, if the open-ended question has assessment criteria, the evaluator can also rate each criterion and enter text or video feedback.

Filter answers to open-ended questions

In the section Pending, click the Filter button.

You can filter answers by:

  • Course
  • Group
  • Learner
  • Program Session

If you have a platform administrator role, you can also switch between answers that were assigned to you directly (as a session instructor or learner's manager), and all pending answers.

Sort answers of open-ended questions

In the section Pending, click the New message button.

You can sort answers by:

  • New message (unread answers at the top, then ordered by most recent submissions)
  • Oldest (oldest answers at the top)
  • Recent (most recent answers at the top)
  • Session (answers are grouped by session: sessions with the most responses at the top, then sessions with the most recent answers)

Find back old answers from open-ended questions

You can find back old answers by clicking on the section Done. The same filters and sorting criteria can be used.

You may not change the validation state of an answer in the Done section.

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