Edit a path

  • Updated

Group admins and authors can edit paths that belong to their group and paths that they created or co-authored. Platform admins can edit any path.

Learners in the middle of a course will not be affected by changes to a course, until the course is complete.

To edit who is enrolled in a path, see Enroll learners in a path session →

Edit the general information

Editing the general information of a path (image, title, description or ags) will update it instantly for all users. It will not send any email.


  1. At the top of the homepage, click Paths.
  2. On the right side of the path row, click pen.svg Edit.
  3. Hover over the middle of the path image and click Modify.
  4. Click a new icon then click select at the bottom right, or click upload.svg UPLOAD YOUR IMAGE (980x550 PIXELS OR LARGER) at the bottom left.

Title or description

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Paths.
  2. On the right side of the path row, click pen.svg Edit.
  3. Click on the Title or Description fields.
  4. Enter a new value.
  5. Click outside the field to save.


  1. At the top of the homepage, click Paths.
  2. On the right side of the path row, click pen.svg Edit.
  3. Under the Description field, click plus.svg ADD A TAG.
  4. Select the tags you want to add, and unselect the ones you want to remove.
  5. At the bottom right, click SELECT TAGS.

Edit the permissions

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Paths.
  2. On the right side of the path row, click pen.svg Edit.
  3. At the top of the page, click on the name of the owner group, the main author, or the list of co-authors.
Change owner group

You can change the owner group of a path, to a group where you have the author or administrator role.

Authors and administrators of the owner group can edit the path. Coaches of the owner group can enroll users in the path’s sessions, publish the path session in the catalog, and create new path sessions.

Changing the owner group will not send any email notification.

Change the main author

You can change the main author of a path, to a member with administrator or author role of a group where you have the administrator role.

The main author of a path can edit it, even if they don’t belong to the owner group. They can see the statistics for all users in their group who took their training.

The new main author will receive an email notification.

Change the co-author(s)

You can change the list of co-authors of a path, to users with the administrator or author role in a group where you have the administrator role.

Co-authors of a path can edit it, even if they don’t belong to the owner group. They can access its statistics if they are a group author, but will only see their own data.

Co-author permissions are not transferred when they are deleted from the platform.

Users added as co-instructors will receive an email notification.

Edit the settings

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Paths.
  2. On the right side of the path row, click pen.svg Edit.
  3. In the Build your training section, click CONFIGURE SETTINGS.

From there, enable or disable the option.

Linear progression

Activating this option will require learners to follow the steps in the order defined in the Build your training section (top to bottom).

Deactivating this option will allow learners to complete the steps in any order they choose.

Changing this setting does not trigger any email notification.

Mandatory replay

Activating this option will require learners to complete the courses within the path session even if they have already completed the courses elsewhere.

Deactivating this option will mark courses as completed for the learner in this path, if they already completed them elsewhere.

Changing this setting does not trigger any email notification.

Estimated duration

Activating this option will display a manual indication in the path homepage. It is not automatically computed.

  • Select a duration type (Month(s), Weeks(s), Day(s), Hour(s), or Minute(s)).
  • Enter a number.
  • Click outside the field to save.

Changing this setting does not trigger any email notification.

Estimated weekly commitment

Similarly as Estimated duration, activating this option will display a manual indication in the path homepage.

Changing this setting does not trigger any email notification.

Path forum

Activating this option will display the path forum and reactions.

Deactivating this option will hide the path forum and reactions.

Changing this setting does not trigger any email notification.

Send automated reminders

Activating this option will send automated reminders to learners enrolled in the path session when they have been inactive for 2 days, and when they have been inactive for 7 days.

Deactivating this option will not send any of those reminders (they might still receive other reminders).

Changing this setting does not trigger any email notification (outside the actual reminders).

Advanced settings
  • Show classroom slot message on the path homepage: when a message is added to a classroom slot, display that message in the path homepage to all users who aren’t registered to any classroom slot. If this option is disabled, users who aren’t registered to any slot in the session will not see any message. Users who are registered to a slot will see only the message for their slot.
  • Coach’s library: see Share a path in the Library →
  • Additional path information: The information stored in this field (registration number, ID in another tool, etc.) will be available within the CSV exports of the path, as well as the API, but it will not be displayed elsewhere.
  • Additional session information: Same as Additional path information.
  • Notify learners when new content has been added to a path: After activating this option, when a path step is added to an existing path, the Path status is updated to “On time”, and the path is moved back to the learner’s My Work section, under the Ongoing tab. Learner’s will then receive an email notification when the new step has been added.

Changing advanced settings does not trigger any email notification.


Add a step or an action to a path

Administrators and authors can add any content they can play themselves. Platform administrators can add any type of content.

Learners who completed the path before the addition of the new step keep it displayed in their profile, but won't have 100% progress anymore; they can play the new step to achieve 100% again. Adding an action (such as scheduling an email reminder, a Slack message, or a Microsoft Teams message) has no impact on the progress.

You can add up to 50 steps.

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Paths.
  2. On the right side of the path row, click pen.svg Edit.
  3. At the bottom of the Build your training section, on the right of Add a step, click on a type of step.
  4. At the bottom of the Build your training section, on the right of Add an action, click on a type of action.
  5. (Courses, Paths, or Programs) Select one or several items.
  6. (Classrooms) Enter a classroom Title and Training objective.
  7. Click Confirm.

The path automatically saves the new step.

If a learner is registered to several sessions of the same path or program, or if they can access several sessions from their catalog, clicking on the program or path from the original path will redirect them to the session where their completion rate is highest, or (in case of equality) to the session that started most recently.

Other things to remember when adding steps:

  • Course: The path will make courses available to enrolled learners when they reach the step (linear paths) or at enrollment (non-linear paths).
  • Classroom: The path will allow learners who self-enroll to the path through the catalog to select a classroom slot. For learners that are enrolled directly into the path, the author needs to add them to a classroom slot.
  • Path: Learners will be automatically enrolled to subpaths added to a path.
  • Program: For learners to access and complete programs that you add as a path step, assign learners to one of its sessions or add it to their group catalog). Otherwise, they will get stuck on that step.
  • Assessment: When a learner has completed the step right before the assessment in linear and non-linear paths, the assessor needs to check the learner's work. Assessors receive a notification when a learner reaches the Assessment step.
  • Email: If you would like your learner to receive the email after the completion of a specific path step, be sure to move the email into the correct place in the path steps.

Edit path step options

Platform Admins, Group Admins, Authors, and co-authors can edit path step options.

Option title Available on More info
Optional content Course, Classroom, Path, and Program steps

Sets a step to optional or mandatory for learners.

Relative due date Course, Classroom, Path, and Program steps Sets a due date for the step that is calculated from the learner's enrollment date.
Automatic registration Classroom steps Automatically registers new learners to the next open classroom slot when they are enrolled in the path.
Correct Answer Course steps

Choose when a course displays the correct answer and feedback to learners.

Forum & reactions Course steps

Choose when learners will see the course forum and reactions.

Time limit Course steps

Set the minimum or maximum duration for the course.

Minimum score Course steps

Set the minimum score learners must achieve to successfully complete a course.

Attempts Course steps

Add a maximum number of attempts for a course.

Availability Course steps

Select a date that the course will be available to learners.

Mark a step as optional in a path

Marking a step as optional allows the enrolled user to complete the path, even if that step was not completed. This applies to all users enrolled in the path.

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Paths.
  2. On the right side of the path row, click pen.svg Edit.
  3. In the Build your training section, click on one of the steps.
  4. In the Options menu, enable the Optional content option chrome_hf6ckXegga.png → chrome_SVNxrnLSRV.png

Add or edit a step's relative due date in a path

You can add a relative due date to each step, to encourage learners to complete the step on time and help them stay organized. These dates are soft deadlines; learners can play the step after the due date.

Relative due dates are displayed in the dashboard of paths statistics (to help identify learners who fell behind), in the path page (on each step), and in the homepage if the path is displayed there and the path has been started. If the path contains several steps with relative due dates, we display on the homepage the date that is the furthest away.

The deadline is computed from the date of the learner's enrollment (not the previous step's relative due date).

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Paths.
  2. On the right side of the path row, click pen.svg Edit.
  3. In the Build your training section, click on one of the steps.
  4. In the Options menu, enable the Relative due date option chrome_hf6ckXegga.png → chrome_SVNxrnLSRV.png
  5. Click the duration type dropdown menu.
  6. Select a duration type: Month(s), Weeks(s), or Day(s).
  7. Enter a number in the Relative due date field.

To remove a relative due date, disable Relative due date chrome_SVNxrnLSRV.png → chrome_hf6ckXegga.png in the Options menu.

Auto-register learners to classroom slots in paths

You can enable classroom path steps to autoregister new learners in the next open classroom slot when they are enrolled in the path.

  • The automatic registration option is enabled on new classroom steps.
  • To make the most of this feature on new path sessions, wait to enroll learners and groups until AFTER you’ve created all of the classroom slots.

To disable the automatic registration option:

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Paths.
  2. On the right side of the path row, click pen.svg Edit.
  3. In the Build your training section, click on the classroom step.
  4. In the Options menu, disable the Automatic registration  option chrome_SVNxrnLSRV.png → chrome_hf6ckXegga.png 

Display the correct answer

By default, users see the correct answer after each individual question. You can change this to only show the correct answers after the course has been completed.

This feature is not available for SCORM courses.

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Paths.
  2. On the right side of the path row, click pen.svg Edit.
  3. In the Options menu, enable the Correct Answer setting, then select one of the following options:
    • After each question: Learners see the correct answers after they submit their answers. (Program equivalent = Learning mode).
    • At the end of the course: Learners see the correct answers after they take a course (Program equivalent = Training mode, Examination mode).
    • At the end of the course, if successful: Learners only see the correct answers at the end of the course, after they have completed the course successfully.

Display forum & reactions

By default, learners see the forum and reactions after each activity. You can change this to only show the forum and reactions until after the learners play all the course questions.

This feature is not available for SCORM courses.

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Paths.
  2. On the right side of the path row, click pen.svg Edit.
  3. In the Build your training section, click the course step.
  4. In the Options menu, enable the Forum & reactions option chrome_hf6ckXegga.png → chrome_SVNxrnLSRV.png.
  5. Select one of the following options: 
    • After each activity: Learners see the forum and reactions after each activity (Program equivalent = Learning mode).
    • At the end of the course: Learners see the forum and reactions after they take a course (Program equivalent = Training mode, Examination mode).
    • At the end of the course, if successful: Learners see the forum and reactions at the end of the course, after they have finished the course successfully.

Set a time limit

You can set a minimum or maximum duration for the course, unless it is a SCORM course.

Setting a maximum time limit will lock the course in its current state at the end of the defined time, and allow the learner to proceed to the next step. If the learner hadn’t reached the end of the course, they will see the name of the remaining activities in the list on the left, but will not be able to access them.

Setting a minimum time limit will prevent the user from going to the next step until the end of the defined time, even if they’ve finished the course.

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Paths.
  2. On the right side of the path row, click pen.svg Edit.
  3. In the Build your training section, click on the course.
  4. In the Options menu, enable the Time limit option chrome_hf6ckXegga.png → chrome_SVNxrnLSRV.png.
  5. Select Min or Max, then enter the number of hours and minutes (by default, 5 minutes).

To remove a time limit, disable Time limit chrome_SVNxrnLSRV.png → chrome_hf6ckXegga.png in the Options menu.

Set a minimum score

You can set a minimum score learners must achieve to successfully complete a course.

If a certificate has been added to the path, each course with a minimum score must be successfully completed to receive the certificate.

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Paths.
  2. On the right side of the path row, click pen.svg Edit.
  3. In the Build your training section, click on the course.
  4. In the Options menu, enable the Minimum score option chrome_hf6ckXegga.png → chrome_SVNxrnLSRV.png.
  5. Enter the minimum score in the field.

In the path editor, the minimum score appears on the course step.

To remove a minimum score, disable Minimum score chrome_SVNxrnLSRV.png → chrome_hf6ckXegga.png in the Options menu.

Add a maximum number of attempts

You can now define a maximum amount of attempts for a course in a path.

When a learner reaches the maximum amount of authorized attempts in a course within the path, they cannot retry the course, and can only close it.

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Paths.
  3. On the right side of the path row, click pen.svg Edit.
  4. In the Build your training section, click on a course.
  5. In the right sidebar, scroll down to the section Attempts and enable it chrome_hf6ckXegga.png → chrome_SVNxrnLSRV.png.
  6. Enter the maximum number of attempts in the field, then click outside the field.

To remove the condition on attempts, disable it chrome_SVNxrnLSRV.png → chrome_hf6ckXegga.png in the Options menu.

The number of remaining attempts is displayed on the path homepage, and the course homepage.

Set the availability of a course

You can change the availability date of a course if no Learner has finished it yet, and if no notification about the availability of the course was sent. Learners who started the course when the availability date is postponed instantly lose access to the course.

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Paths.
  2. On the right side of the path row, click pen.svg Edit.
  3. In the Build your training section, click on a course.
  4. In the right sidebar, scroll down to the section Availability and enable it chrome_hf6ckXegga.png → chrome_SVNxrnLSRV.png.
  5. Specify a date range.

To remove the Availability on a course, follow the steps above and disable it chrome_SVNxrnLSRV.png → chrome_hf6ckXegga.png in the Options menu.

Edit assessment step options

Assessment steps are used to assess the knowledge of learners on specific items. Learners will be able to resume the path regardless of the results of the Assessment step.

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Paths.
  2. On the right side of the path row, click pen.svg Edit.
  3. In the Build your training section, click the assessment step.
    The right panel opens.
  4. Enter the assessment title in the related field.
  5. (Optional) In the Instructions for the learners field, enter clear instructions to help learners understand the assessment.
  6. From the Assessed by list, select the assessors:
    • Instructors are the default assessors.
    • You can select the learner's Managers instead.
  7. (Optional) In the Instructions for the assessor field, enter some information to help the assessor in their role.
  8. Select how the assessor validates the learner's progress:
    • When selecting Fail/pass validation, the evaluator sets the assessment as passed or failed.
    • When selecting Score to reach, you can enter the minimum score learners must achieve to pass the assessment. The minimum score is optional.
  9. Enable the Examination (certificate required) option to determine whether learners must pass the assessment to receive a certificate  chrome_hf6ckXegga.png → chrome_SVNxrnLSRV.png. This will not prevent learners from completing the path.

    Before you can enable this option, a certificate must be added to the path.

  10. Click SAVE.

Add a certificate to a path

Learn more about adding certificates to paths →

Reorder steps in a path

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Paths.
  2. On the right side of the path row, click pen.svg Edit.
  3. In the Build your training section, click and hold on a step.
  4. Drag and drop the step to the new order.

If you reorder the steps of a linear path, learners can still play the steps that they started (even if they would now have to complete steps before them).

Edit a course or a path included in the path being edited

A path author with author permission on a course or a path included in the path being edited can directly access the course or the path editor.

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Paths.
  2. On the right side of the path row, click pen.svg Edit.
  3. In the Build your training section, hover over the desired course or path step, then click 3Dots.svg.
  4. Click Edit to open the editor.

You can now edit the desired course or a path.

Delete a step from a path

You can delete a step from a published path. Learners who have completed this step keep their statistics on the stand-alone deleted item.

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Paths.
  2. On the right side of the path row, click pen.svg Edit.
  3. Scroll down to the Build your training section.
  4. At the top right of a step, click 3Dots.svg → Delete.
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