Add users

  • Updated

Administrators and user administrators can add new users to the platform in two ways:

  • Invite them: users receive an invitation email, and must enter their name, first name and add a password in a form, upon their first login. Their account is billed only when they have completed the form.
  • Create them: users receive a notification email, and can connect directly to the platform. Their account is billed as soon as the notification is sent.

Session instructors who are also coaches or group administrators can also invite users from a program session. Learn more about assigning users who don’t have an account on the platform →.

Invite a user

Platform administrators can invite users to any group, and from a program session.

Administrators and user administrators can invite users to their group.

Session Instructors who are also coaches or group administrators can invite users from a program session.

Invite a user to a group

Administrators and user administrators can invite users to their group.

If the user is added to a public group with the learner role, they will also be added to all higher-level groups as learner until they reach a private group (included). Learn more about group hierarchy →

You can also change the default language for the user, add a deletion date, and add a custom field value to the user.

  1. At the top right of the homepage, click CREATE → User.
  2. In the field Emails, enter an email address (you can enter several email addresses, separated by a comma or a semicolon).
  3. In the section Groups, choose the groups for the user.
  4. In the section Roles, choose the roles for the user.
  5. On the bottom, click INVITE.

The invited user will receive the following emails:

They will not receive any other email notifications until they activate their account.

Invite a user from a program session

Session Instructors who are also coaches or group admins can invite users from a program session.

Invited users will have the learner role on only one group.

See Assign a user who doesn't have an account on the platform.

Create a user

Create a user in a group

Administrators and user administrators can create a user in their group.

If the user is added to a public group with the learner role, they will also be added to all higher-level groups as learner until they reach a private group (included). Learn more about group hierarchy →

You can also change the default language for the user, add a deletion date, and add a custom field value to the user.

  1. In the left sidebar, click on a group.
  2. At the top right, click CREATE → User.
  3. Click Set up a user.
  4. Enter the fields First name, Last name, and Email.
  5. Enter a Password, or check the option Send this new user credentials by email (login and password) at the bottom of the page (we then send the user a randomly generated password by email).
  6. In the section Groups, click plus.svg.
  7. Select the group(s).
  8. On the bottom right, click CONFIRM.
  9. In the section Roles, choose the roles for the user (the selected role or roles will apply to all selected groups from the previous step).
  10. On the bottom, click SET UP USER.

The user will receive the following emails:

Create users in batch

See Set up multiple accounts via a CSV import.

The users will receive the following emails:

Track, resend, and cancel invitations

Administrators and user administrators can track, cancel and renew invitations for their group.

Invitations remain active as long as they are not canceled, and don’t have any expiry date.

When the user activates their account, they are moved to the section Current members.

Check the list of invited users

  1. In the left sidebar, click on a group.
  2. At the top, click Users.
  3. In the left panel, click Invited users.

Resend an invitation

  1. In the left sidebar, click on a group.
  2. At the top, click Users.
  3. Click Invited users.
  4. On the right of the invitation, click planeUp.svg Send reminder.
  5. Enter your message and click SEND.

Cancel an invitation

This will disable the link in the invitation email, and remove the invited user from the platform and all possible paths in which they were enrolled.

  1. In the left sidebar, click on a group.
  2. At the top, click Users.
  3. Click Invited users.
  4. On the right of the invitation, click bin.svg Remove user.
  5. Click DELETE USER.
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