Delete a user

  • Updated

Deleting an account from the platform will remove it from all groups. It will not count as a user seat, and the user will not be able to connect to the platform.

Administrators can still access statistics from deleted users by clicking Users at the top of the homepage and opening the Deleted tab.

Deleting a user will remove them from all upcoming classroom slots.

Deleting a user will not delete the posts they published, nor courses, programs, paths, or any other item created by them.

A deleted account may be reinstated.

Delete a user from the platform

If you are a platform administrator, the way to delete a user from the platform is straightforward:

  1. In the left sidebar, click on the platform group.
  2. At the top, click Users.
  3. In the left panel, click Delete users.
  4. Click the user you want to delete.
  5. If the user is also part of a private group, select the Also delete this user from all the following private subgroups check box.
  6. On the bottom right, click DELETE USER.

If you are an administrator or a user administrator, you can delete a user from the platform if you have the administrator or user administrator role in all the groups of the user, by removing them from all their groups.

Delete several users from the platform

If you are a platform administrator, the way to delete a user from the platform is straightforward:

  1. In the left sidebar, click on the platform group.
  2. At the top right, click CREATE → User.
  3. In the left panel, click Delete users → Delete multiple users.
  4. Enter the users' emails, separated by a comma.
  5. Click DELETE USERS.
  6. If the users are also part of a private group, select the Also delete this user from all the following private subgroups check box.
  7. On the bottom right, click DELETE USERS.

If you are an administrator or a user administrator, you can delete several users from the platform if you have the administrator or user administrator role in all the groups of the users, by removing them from all their groups.

If you are deleting a significant number of users (i.e., 5,000+) we recommend deleting them in batches no larger than 3,000 at a time.

Remove a user from a group without deleting it from the platform

Administrators can remove users from their group. User administrators can only remove learners from their group.

If the user belongs to more than one group, you can remove it from a subgroup without removing it from the parent group.

Removing a user from the parent group will remove it from all its public subgroups; removing a user from all their groups will delete them from the platform.

If the group was assigned to program sessions, removing the user from the group will not remove them from the sessions assigned to the group. In other words, removing a user from a group will not unassign them from any program session.

  1. In the left sidebar, click on the desired group.
  2. At the top the group page, click Users.
  3. In the left sidebar, click Current members → All.
  4. Click the user you want to remove from the group.
  5. Scroll down to the Manage group permissions section.
  6. At the bottom of the section, click REMOVE FROM GROUP.
  7. When prompted, click REMOVE USER.

Find the deletion date of a user

  1. At the top of the homepage, click All.
  2. At the top left, click bar.svg Statistics.
  3. At the top, select the Custom Reports tab.
  4. Click plus.svg NEW REPORT.
  5. At the top, select the Columns selection tab.
  6. Click  plus.svg ADD COLUMNS.
  7. In the dialog box, select the Learner deletion date checkbox.
  8. Click APPLY.
  9. At the top right of the page, do either of the following:
    • Click SAVE to save the export settings for future use.
    • Click DOWNLOAD → Now to download the report immediately.
    • Click DOWNLOAD → Via email to receive the download link via email. For large reports, we recommend selecting this option to export the report asynchronously.

In the downloaded file, the column Learner deletion date shows the date and hour of the user deletion.

If the hour is "00:00", the user was automatically deleted (for instance, with an automatic deletion date).

Transferring ownership of deleted path authors or session instructors

When a user is deleted from the platform, if they are a path author or session instructor, their replacement will be decided as follows:

Delete the main author of a path:

  1. If there is a co-author, replace the main author with the first co-author.
  2. If there is not a co-author, replace the main author with an admin of the path's owner group.
  3. If that group has no admins, replace the main author with an admin of the parent group.
  4. If none of the above, replace with the owner of the platform.

Delete the main instructor of a path session:

  1. If there is a co-instructor, replace the main instructor with the first co-instructor.
  2. Otherwise, pick the main author of the path.

Delete a co-author of a path:

  1. Remove them from co-authors.

Delete a co-instructor of a path session:

  1. Remove them from co-instructors.

The ownership of activities is not transferred. You may copy the activity to become its owner.

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