Coaches and admins can see various statistics for their users.
View users statistics
View the general statistics for multiple users
- At the top of the homepage, click Users.
- Click either the Current tab or the Deleted tab.
This page shows a general view of users in your groups with the following information:
- First name: First name of the user.
- Last name: Last name of the user.
- Email:Â Email of the user.
- Time spent: Total amount of time spent in courses.
Last activity: Day and hour of the last activity in a course (with the format
). -
Direct report: Number of team members the user manages.
- Click the direct report number to view that user's manager dashboard (coaches, group administrators, platform administrators, and platform owners).
View the detailed statistics for an individual user
To view more detailed statistics, go to the user's statistics page:
- At the top of the homepage, click Users.
- Click either the Current tab or the Deleted tab.
- On the right side of the user's row, click
View profile.
You'll see the following data on the user statistics page.Â
NOTE: You can click on the columns in each section to change the ordering criteria.
- User groups: List of groups to which the user belongs.
- Number of answered questions: Total number of questions answered. Multiple answers to the same questions are taken into account.
- Average score: The average score on answered questions. If you answered the same question several times, every answer is taken into account.
- Total training time: Total amount of time spent on programs and courses
Posted messages: Number of posts published (comments, publications, corrections).
- Lists the certificates obtained by the user, sorted by delivery date. It includes the Name, Path name, Path session, Status, Delivery date, and Expiration date.
- The possible values for Status are:
- Valid: The certificate has been obtained and is still valid.
- Expiring soon: The certificate has been obtained but will expire within the next 30 days.
- Expired: The certificate has been obtained but has already expired.Â
- The Path name and Path session columns will be empty if the certificate was obtained in a program context.
- The possible values for Status are:
- Lists the certificates obtained by the user, sorted by delivery date. It includes the Name, Path name, Path session, Status, Delivery date, and Expiration date.
- Paths
- Lists the Name, Progress, Score, Time spent, End, and Last activity of enrolled program sessions by creation date.
- Click the program row to see stats on program block Courses, Progress, Score, Time spent, Attempts, and Last activity.
- In the Attempts row, click the attempt number to view the Score, Date, Time, Language, and Program of each course attempt.
- Click the program row to see stats on program block Courses, Progress, Score, Time spent, Attempts, and Last activity.
- Click View
 to go to the program session or course.
- For more information on program session statistics, go here.
- Lists the Name, Progress, Score, Time spent, End, and Last activity of enrolled program sessions by creation date.
- Lists the Name, Progress, Score, Attempts, Time Spent, and Last activity of played courses by the last activity date.
- In the Attempts row, click the attempt number to view the Score, Date, Time, Language, and Program of each course attempt.
- Click View
 to go to the course page.
- For more information on course statistics, go here.
- Lists the Name, Progress, Score, Attempts, Time Spent, and Last activity of played courses by the last activity date.
Answered questions
- Lists the Question, Score, Answer count, and Last activity of the user's answers by the last activity date.
- Click the answer to view the Question, Score, and Date of all answer attempts.
- Click the answer attempt row to show the attempt as it appears in the course.
- Click the answer to view the Question, Score, and Date of all answer attempts.
- Lists the Question, Score, Answer count, and Last activity of the user's answers by the last activity date.
Average score of questions and assessments by tag: Score obtained by tag, on a scale of 0 to 100%. For a given tag, the score is the average between question activities and assessment scores of the questions and assessments tagged with this tag.
- Hover over any branch of the chart to view the details of each of these scores.
Work by tag: Number of answers and assessments per tag.
- Hover over the tag to view the score obtained for that tag.
- Lists the Name, Training score, Assessment score, and Average score for all user tags.
- For more information on tag statistics, go here.
Average score of questions and assessments by tag: Score obtained by tag, on a scale of 0 to 100%. For a given tag, the score is the average between question activities and assessment scores of the questions and assessments tagged with this tag.
Download the user statistics
The user statistics show in particular the field Title / Employment
, the last activity of the user in a course, and the groups to which they belong.
- At the top of the homepage, click Users.
- On the top right, click Download.
The downloaded file shows one line per user, with the following columns:
- First name: First name of the user.
- Last name: Last name of the user.
- Email: Email of the user.
Title / Employment: Contents of the field
Title / Employment
in the user profile. - User Custom Field: Title of the custom field (one column per custom field, ordered alphabetically). All custom fields are displayed by default, unless filtered in the export popup.
- Additional information: Contents of the field Additional information in the user profile.
- Time spent: Total amount of time spent in courses.
Last activity: Day and hour of the last activity in a course (with the format
). - Direct report: Number of users directly managed by the current user (users managed by the managee are not taken into account).
- Group (name of the group, one column per group): Indicates with an "x" that the user belongs to the group.
Download the user general statistics
The general statistics show in particular the average score of the user, as well as the number of completed and assigned programs, the number of published posts, and the groups to which they belong.
- At the top of the homepage, click All.
- At the top left, click
- Open the Custom reports tab.
- Click
- Optionally, in the File name field, you can enter a name for the export file where the data will be stored. If you do not specify a file name, a file named
is created. - In the Type section, select General stats.
- Optionally, click the Filter tab and filter by groups, users, date and sessions.
By default, the export contains all users, groups, sessions and custom fields. - At the top right of the page, click DOWNLOAD → Now.
You can also click DOWNLOAD → Via email to receive a download link for the file by email. We recommend that option if the direct download takes too much time.
The downloaded file will show one line per user, with the following columns:
- Last name: Last name of the user.
- First name: First name of the user.
- Email: Email of the user.
- User Custom Field: Title of the custom field (one column per custom field, ordered alphabetically). All custom fields are displayed by default, unless filtered in the export popup.
- Additional information: Contents of the field Additional information in the user profile.
- Managers: Emails of the user's managers, separated by a comma.
- Avg score: Average score for the user, computed as the mean average of all scores on courses and assessments.
- Completed programs: Number of programs in which the user has reached 100% completion rate.
- Assigned programs: Number of assigned program sessions (either individually, or through their group).
- Messages: Number of published posts.
Total time spent: Total time spent by the user on all course blocks
- If the learner has made multiple attempts on a course within a program session, the platform only includes the duration of the most recent attempt
Group (name of the group, one column per group): Indicates with an "x" that the user belongs to the group.
- The report only includes a group column for groups that the exporter has coach or administrator permissions for
Download the general statistics for an individual user
- At the top of the homepage, click Users.
- Click either the Current tab or the Deleted tab.
- On the right side of the user's row, click
View profile.
- At the top right of the General section:Â
- Click DOWNLOAD → Now to export a report with the default columns for general statistics without leaving the page.Â
- Click DOWNLOAD → Via email to receive a download link for the file by email. We recommend this option if the direct download takes too much time.
- Click CREATE REPORT to add filters, modify the report columns, and export the statistics from the custom reports page. For more information about custom reports, see Export platform reports.
The downloaded file shows the following columns:
- Last name: Last name of the user.
- First name: First name of the user.
- Email: Email of the user.
- Avg score: Average score for the user, computed as the mean average of all scores on courses and assessments.
- Completed courses: Number of courses in which the user has reached 100% completion rate.
- Attended classrooms: Number of classrooms where the user has been marked as attended.
- Completed paths: Number of paths in which the user has reached 100% completion rate.
- Assigned paths: Number of assigned paths (either individually, or through their group).
- Completed programs: Number of programs in which the user has reached 100% completion rate.
- Assigned programs: Number of assigned program sessions (either individually, or through their group).
- Messages: Number of published posts.
Total time spent: Total time spent by the user on all course blocks
- If the learner has made multiple attempts on a course within a program session, the platform only includes the duration of the most recent attempt
Collaborative activity statistics
Administrators can download collaborative activity statistics for users in their group. Authors can download collaborative activity statistics for users who played their courses.
The collaborative activity statistics show in particular the number of publications, comments and reactions.
- At the top of the homepage, click Collaborative activities.
- On the top right of the list, click
The downloaded file shows one line per user, with the following columns:
Publications: Posts made by the user in the section
of a group, a session, or profile page of a user. Replies to posts are counted. -
Comments: Posts and replies made by the user in the contextual forum of a course, a Learning Need, or a project, as well as replies made by the user in the section
of a group, a session, or profile page of a user. - Reactions: Reaction made by the user in courses’ activities, and likes on posts.
Registration statistics
Administrators can access registration statistics.
The registration statistics show in particular the date and hour of user account creation, the email of the user who invited them, and the automatic deletion date if there is one.
- At the top right of the homepage, click CREATE → User.
- In the left column, click Current members.
- On the top right of the list, click
The downloaded file shows one line per user, with the following columns:
- First name: First name of the user.
- Last name: Last name of the user.
- Email: Email of the user.
Registr. at: Date of the user account creation (with the format
). -
Invited by: Email address of the user who invited or created the user.
- If the user was created or invited with the API, this is the platform owner’s email address.
- If the user self-registered to the platform, this cell is empty.
- If the platform has SSO enabled with user provisioning activated, and the user spontaneously connected to the platform (thus creating their account, without any invitation), this cell is empty.
- If the user is the one who created the platform, this cell is empty.
- If a user was deleted and re-invited before November 13, 2024, this cell is empty due to an issue that was fixed on that date.
Auto deletion: Date of the user’s automatic deletion date, if there is one (with the format
Public statistics
Any user can click on the name of another user and see their public statistics.
The nature of those statistics depends on the role of the targeted user.
Owner, administrator, or author
If a user is the owner of the platform, or has the role of an administrator (but not a user administrator) or an author in at least one group, clicking on their name will display the following metrics at the top of their profile page:
- Course views: Number of attempts on courses where the user is the main author (including duplicates) in the last 90 days.
- Comments received: Number of comments received in courses where the user is the main author (including duplicates) in the last 90 days.
- Average reaction score: Average reaction score for courses where the user is the main author (including duplicates) in the last 90 days.
- Published courses: Number of courses published by the user.
If you hover your mouse over the name of that user anywhere in the platform, you will see the number of course views.
Other roles
If a user is not the owner of the platform, nor has an administrator or author role in any of their groups, clicking on their name will display the following metrics at the top of their profile page:
- Completed courses: Number of completed courses in the last 90 days (if the user completed a course twice, we count it as 2).
- Comments received: Number of comments received on posts they published in group newsfeeds or course/path forums (excluding responses to their own responses) in the last 90 days.
- Reactions received: Number of “like” reactions received on posts they published in group newsfeeds or course/path forums (excluding responses to their own responses) in the last 90 days.
- Total training time: Total time spent on courses in the last 90 days.
If you hover your mouse over the name of that user anywhere in the platform, you will see the number of comments received and reactions received.