Track the statistics for your managees

  • Updated

Who can use this feature?

  • Managers can track the statistics for their managees.
  • Coaches, group admins, platform admins, and platform owners can view their team's dashboards through the user dashboard.
  • Accessible only on the Web Application.

"My team's dashboard" compiles important training statistics about managees. From the dashboard, managers can:

View the list of learners that you manage

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Users.
  2. On the right side of My Team's Dashboard:
    • If you have less than 3 managees, hover your mouse over the avatars to view their names.
    • If you have more than 3 managees, click the number on the right of the avatars to view the names of all the learners that you manage.

View the statistics for your managees

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Users.
  2. At the top left, click slider.svg Filter to filter the board by Enrollment type:
    • All: Displays the statistics for your managees on all courses, paths, and program sessions in which they are enrolled, either by themselves (self enrollment) or by others (assigned trainings).
    • Self enrollment: Displays the statistics for your managees on courses and paths in which they self-enrolled.
    • Assigned trainings: Displays the statistics for your managees on courses, paths, and program sessions to which they were assigned.

If you don't select a filter, the dashboard displays the statistics for your managees on all training items.

Manager dashboard overview

The manager dashboard is split into 3 sections:

Sessions ending soon

This section includes the list of program sessions and paths with a session ending in less than a month. Sessions ending in less than one week are displayed in red.

From this section, managers can Send a reminder for sessions ending soon.

If a path has multiple sessions ending soon, the path is only displayed once, with the closer end date. You can still send a reminder to your managees for all the sessions ending soon on the same path by selecting the path session with the closer end date.


The statistics for the Last month (30 days) are displayed by default. To change the time frame:

  1. At the top left of the Results section, click the dropdown menu.
  2. Select a predefined Time range or Custom dates.

The Results section displays the statistics for users enrolled during the selected time frame.

The dashboard displays the following reports divided into sections. Sections marked with an âś” can be downloaded as a CSV file:




📚 Training Programs  

The number of program sessions and path sessions in which your managees are enrolled during the selected period.

đź‘‹ Participation Rate


The average participation rate for your managees on their training items during the selected period.

A user is considered a participant when they click START or LAUNCH on the first step of the session.

âś… Completion Rate

  The average of the completion rates of your managees on the program sessions and path sessions in which they are enrolled, during the selected period.

🏆 Global Score

  The average of your managees’ scores on their program sessions and path sessions during the selected period.
Result by user's completion âś” This table shows one line per managee enrolled in at least one session during the selected period. The table includes the following columns:
  • Learners - Picture, first name, and last name of the managee.
  • Average - Average completion rate (in percentage) of the managee across all the program or path sessions in which they were enrolled during the selected period.
  • [Title of the path/program session] - Completion rate (in percentage) of the managee for the program/path session. If the managee isn’t enrolled in the program/path session, displays "-".
Result by user's score âś” This table shows one line per managee enrolled in at least one session during the selected period. The table includes the following columns:
  • Learners - Picture, first name, and last name of the managee.
  • Average - Average score (in percentage) of the managee across the program or path sessions in which they were enrolled during the selected period.
  • [Title of the path/program session] - Score (in percentage) of the managee for the program/path session. If the managee isn’t enrolled in the program/path session, displays "-".

Result by training


This table displays one line per program session or path, and includes the results for the managees enrolled during the selected period.

  • Training - Name of the program session or path.
  • Completion - Average completion rate for all managees enrolled in the session during the selected period.
  • Score - Average score for all managees enrolled in the session during the selected period.
  • Learners - Number of managees enrolled in the session during the selected period.

Managees enrolled in the same trainings outside of the filtered date range are not included in the results.

You can click on a row to display a table with the details of the training, with one line per managee. The detailed table includes the managee's First name, Last Name, and their training Progress, Status, Time spent, Score, and Validation Date.

Result by user's synthesis âś”

This table shows one line per managee, with the following columns:

  • Learner - Picture, first name, and last name of the managee.
  • Courses started - Number of courses started by the managee.
  • Paths started - Number of paths started by the managee.
  • Time spent - Time spent by the managee on courses and paths.
Courses started âś” This graph shows the trend of the number of courses that managees started. The total number of courses started during the selected period appears to the right of the chart.
Paths started âś” Click the Courses started chevronDown.png dropdown to switch to the Paths started view.
This graph shows the trend of the number of paths that managees started. The total number of paths started during the selected period appears to the right of the chart.
Average time spent per managee âś” Click the Courses started chevronDown.png dropdown to switch to the Average time spent per managee view.
This graph shows the trend of the average time managees spend on courses and paths. The total average training time per managee during the selected period appears to the right of the chart.
Most played courses âś” This table shows the courses that managees played the most during the selected period.
You can click a course to view the list of team members who played it.
Most played paths âś” Click the Most played courses chevronDown.png dropdown to switch to the Most played paths view.
This table shows the paths that managees played the most during the selected period.
You can click a path to view the list of team members who played it.

Managees' team

The Managees' team section is only displayed for users who manage other managers. This section shows the following information for those user's teams:

  • Average completion rate
  • Average score
  • Number of team members

From this section, managers can track the statistics for the users managed by their own team members.

Track the statistics for the users managed by your managees

Managers can see the statistics for the users managed by their own team members from the Managees' team section:

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Users.
  2. In the Managees' team section, click the number of members at the right of your managee's row.
    Your managee's dashboard displays the statistics for the users they manage. The breadcrumbs at the top of the page shows whose team's dashboard is displayed.

Download the statistics for your managees

You can download a copy in CSV format of the following reports:

  • Completion by user
  • Score by user
  • Synthesis by user
  • Courses started
  • Paths started
  • Average time spent per managee
  • Most played courses
  • Most played paths

To download the statistics for your managees:

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Users.
  2. At the top left, click slider.svg Filter to filter the board by Enrollment type:
    • All: Displays the statistics for your managees on all courses, paths, and program sessions in which they are enrolled, either by themselves (self enrollment) or by others (assigned trainings).
    • Self enrollment: Displays the statistics for your managees on courses and paths in which they self-enrolled.
    • Assigned trainings: Displays the statistics for your managees on courses, paths, and program sessions to which they were assigned.
  3. To select a period, click the dropdown menu at the top right of the Results section.
  4. In the dashboard, navigate to the report that you would like to download.
  5. In the top right corner of the report, click Download.
  6. When prompter, click DOWNLOAD.

Send a training reminder to a managee

Managers can send custom reminders to their managees for training items in which they are assigned or enrolled.

Send a reminder for sessions ending soon

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Users.
  2. In the Sessions ending soon section, click ringBell.svg Send reminder next to the desired training item.
  3. Optional: To filter learners by registration date or custom fields, click  slider.svg Filter at the top right of the dialog box.
  4. Select the users to whom you wish to send a reminder.
  5. At the bottom right, click NEXT.
  6. Select your preferred method to send the reminder:
    • Click News feed to post a message in the section Messages of a group. A message will auto-populate with a link to the training, as well as a mention of the selected users.
    • Click Email to send an email.
  7. Click SEND.

If a path has multiple sessions ending soon, the path is only displayed once, with the closer end date. You can still send a reminder to your managees for all the sessions ending soon on the same path by selecting the path session with the closer end date.

Send a reminder for any training content

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Users.
  2. In the Results section, click Result by user's completion -> Result by training.
  3. In the Result by training table, click ringBell.svg Send reminder next to the desired training item.
  4. Optional: To filter learners by registration date or custom fields, click  slider.svg Filter at the top right of the dialog box.
  5. Select the users to whom you wish to send a reminder. Users are ordered by ascending order of completion rate.
  6. At the bottom right, click NEXT.
  7. Select your preferred method to send the reminder:
    • Click News feed to post a message in the section Messages of a group. A message will auto-populate with a link to the training, as well as a mention of the selected users.
    • Click Email to send an email.
  8. Click SEND.

Enroll a managee in a path session

By default, this feature is not available on all platforms. Contact your Customer Success Partner (CSP) to make this feature available on your platform.

You can enroll a managee in a path session if that path session is published in the catalog of the managee's groups.

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Users.
  2. At the top right, click ASSIGN TRAINING.
  3. In the dialog box, select a path session.
    • Optional: At the top right of the dialog box, use the search field to find the path session or click slider.svg Filter to filter the list by tags.
  4. At the bottom, click NEXT.
  5. Select the users you want to assign to a path session.
    • Optional: At the top right, use the search field to find the users or click slider.svg Filter to filter by Registration date or Custom Fields.
  6. At the bottom, click CONFIRM.
  7. When prompted, click CONFIRM.

Learners receive an email notification:

  • Immediately if the path session has already started.
  • When the path session starts if the session hasn’t started when they are enrolled.

Only users who can edit the path session can unenroll learners that a manager enrolled. Managers can't unenroll learners.

If the manager dashboard does not immediately reflect the new learners enrollment, refresh your page.

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