Track questions statistics

  • Updated

You can view the details of answers in the platform dashboard, or download a file with all statistics.

View the results of a question in a specific course

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Courses.
  2. On the right of the name of a course, click bar.svg Results and statistics.
  3. In the section Score by question, click on a question.

You can click on a line to open the interface of the question, with the answer of the learner.

If the question is an open-ended question with assessment criteria, the dashboard displays an additional column Average grade on assessment criteria.

View the results of questions for a specific learner in a path

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Paths.
  2. To the right of the path name, click bar.svg Results and statistics.
  3. In the Completion by step section, click on the course containing the questions.
  4. Click on a user.
  5. Click on an attempt.

The table displays one line per answered question, with the following columns:

  • Question type - Type of the question.
  • Question title - Title of the question.
  • Answer - Preview of the learner's written answer to open questions, or a View Details link to see the full response.
  • Score - Icon indicating whether the answer is correct checkmark.svg, incorrect cross.svg, pending correction clock.svg(for open-ended questions), or not scored - ( for opinion questions).
  • Date - Date of the attempt.

To download all of the learner's answers for the course in the path, click EXPORT.

If you are an evaluator, you can also correct answers to open-ended questions that are pending evaluation after clicking View details.

View the results of a question in a specific program session

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Program Sessions.
  2. Click on a session.
  3. In the section Detailed results, below the course containing the question, click VIEW DETAILED STATISTICS.
  4. In the section Score by question, click on a question.

You can click on a line to open the interface of the question, with the answer of the learner.

If the question is an open-ended question with assessment criteria, the dashboard displays an additional column Average grade on assessment criteria.

View the results of a question in a specific program template

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Program templates.
  2. On the right of the name of a program template, click bar.svg Results and statistics.
  3. In the section Detailed results, below the course containing the question, click VIEW DETAILED STATISTICS.
  4. In the section Score by question, click on a question.

You can click on a line to open the interface of the question, with the answer of the learner.

If the question is an open-ended question with assessment criteria, the dashboard displays an additional column Average grade on assessment criteria.

Download questions statistics

You can create a custom report and export the statistics of one or several questions from a path or a program in the CSV format.

  1. At the top of the homepage, click All.
  2. At the top left of the homepage, click bar.svg Statistics.
  3. Open the Custom reports tab.
  4. Click + NEW REPORT.
  5. (Optional) Under Report settings, in the General section, enter a File name* for the export file. If you do not specify a file name, the export file is named export.csv by default.
  6. In the Type section, select Questions.
  7. In Sessions filter, select the path or program sessions.
  8. (Optional) In Filters, select additional filters. For more information on data filters, see Available columns and filters for custom reports.
  9. (Optional) Under Columns selection, rearrange, add, or remove columns. For more information on columns, see Available columns and filters for custom reports.   
  10. At the top right of the page, click DOWNLOAD → Now.

You can also click DOWNLOAD → Via email to receive a download link for the file by email. We recommend that option if the direct download takes too much time.

See also Download answers to an opinion question.

The file will display one line per answer.

  • If a learner answered the same question twice, it will show as two lines in the file.
  • If the answer was made in a course attempt that did not reach the minimum score defined in the program template, it will not be linked to that program (the fields Session, Session ID, Program template and Program template ID will be empty in the export). We therefore suggest not filtering on sessions if you want to display unsuccessful attempts for a question.
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