Add an AI-generated quiz to a path

  • Updated

Path editors can add a quiz automatically generated by AI to a path. Questions are created based on the content of the courses in the path.

The content of quizzes are based on the cheat sheets, the automatic transcription of videos (see the accepted video formats →), and documents (see the accepted file formats →) of the courses.

You can select which path courses to use as source, as well as the maximum number of questions.

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Paths.
  2. On the right side of the path row, click pen (2).svg Edit.
  3. In the section Build your training, on the right of Add a step, click Quiz.
  4. In the section Source of questions, select the courses from the path that the quiz should use as a source.
    • You must select at least 1 course.
    • You can click Select all at the top, to select all the courses from the path.
  5. If you want to manually define the number of questions in the quiz, click I prefer setting my own limit in the section Maximum number of questions, and enter a number.
  6. On the bottom right, click GENERATE QUIZ.
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