Path editors can add a quiz to a path. Quizzes are automatically generated by our AI, based on all (or part of) the contents of a path.
You can select which path courses to use as source, as well as the maximum number of questions.
- At the top of the homepage, click Paths.
- On the right side of the path row, click Edit.
- In the section Build your training, on the right of Add a step, click Quiz.
- In the section Source of questions, select the courses from the path that the quiz should use as a source.
- You must select at least 1 course.
- You can click Select all at the top, to select all the courses from the path.
- If you want to manually define the number of questions in the quiz, click I prefer setting my own limit in the section Maximum number of questions, and enter a number.
- On the bottom right, click GENERATE QUIZ.