Enroll learners in a path session

  • Updated

Path sessions created before January 24th, 2024 may still use the legacy enrollment mechanism.

Enrolling learners in a path session will allow them to play the path.

  • Platform admins can enroll any user or group, in any path session.
  • Group admins and coaches can enroll members of their groups in path sessions that belong to their group.
  • Instructors can enroll members of groups in which they have an administrator or coach role, in their path sessions.

Managers can enroll members of their team in path sessions published in their managees' group catalog, if the manager enrollment feature is available on their platform. The steps to enroll their managees are different than the ones described in this article. For more information, see Enroll your managees in a path session.

You can enroll learners to a path session manually, or based on their custom fields values, path results, and certificate results. This is useful when you want to enroll users who meet a combination of criteria.

If the path contains a program, do not forget to assign learners to one of its sessions (or add it to their catalog). Otherwise, they will not be able to complete the step.

If the path contains another path, learners will be automatically enrolled in the subpath.

Note: Automatic subpath enrollment was added March 27th, 2024. Any path sessions containing subpaths created prior to this date will require you to manually enroll learners in one of its path sessions (or add it to their catalog).

Users can only be enrolled in a single session of a given path. If you want to enroll a user in a new session, try unenrolling them first.

Also, note that this feature is not compatible with some path session API routes. See section API limitations.

Enroll users manually

You can manually enroll users in a path session. This is useful when you want to enroll a specific list of a few users, who do not form a complete group. Otherwise, we recommend creating an audience.

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Paths.
  2. On the right of the name of a path, click pen.svg Edit.
  3. At the top right of the section Enroll learners, click NEW SESSION.
  4. Click Edit the audienceAdd learners.
  5. Select users.
    • Users who are already enrolled in another session of the path are marked as already enrolled on the right of their name, and cannot be enrolled in another session of the same path.
    • You can filter users by clicking EXPAND VIEW at the top right. On the top right of the expanded window, click Filter to filter users by custom fields and registration date.
    • You can’t select more than 20,000 users. We suggest creating a new session if you need to enroll more users.
  6. Click outside the field.
  7. At the bottom right, click SAVE AUDIENCE.
  8. Click CONFIRM.

Users are then automatically enrolled in the path session, and receive an email notification when the path session starts (except if they have already completed all steps in the path), or at minute 00 of the next hour if the session has already started.

Enroll users manually with their email addresses

A variation of the previous technique is to enroll users by entering a list of email addresses in the user selection window. This presents several advantages:

  • You can include email addresses from users who do not yet have an account in the platform: this will automatically add them and grant them access to the platform. Note that this technique allows coaches to add users to the platform.
  • You can enroll many users in one fell swoop.
  • If you already have the list of email addresses, you can copy-paste it.

As with most batch actions, however, make sure your list is correct — especially if it’s long — to avoid mass-enrolling mistakes.

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Paths.
  2. On the right of the name of a path, click pen.svg Edit.
  3. At the top right of the section Enroll learners, click NEW SESSION.
  4. Click Edit the audienceAdd learners.
  5. At the top right of the user selection dropdown, click EXPAND VIEW.
  6. At the bottom left, click Add email addresses.
  7. Enter the email addresses (separated by a comma, or a line break).
  8. Above the field, select the group to which they will be added.
  9. On the bottom right, click CONFIRM.

Users are then automatically enrolled in the path session, and receive an email notification when the path session starts (except if they have already completed all steps in the path), or at minute 00 of the next hour if the session has already started.

If some enrolled users did not have an account in the platform, they also receive an invitation email to the platform.

Enroll users who share specific criteria by creating an audience

An audience is a collection of users who share the same criteria. We recommend this method in all cases, except when you’re happy to handpick users.

Dynamic or static audience

Audiences can be dynamic or static. Take the time to choose wisely.

  • Dynamic audiences will automatically enroll users as soon they meet the audience criteria, and unenroll them as soon as they cease to meet them. This is useful when you want to create a rule that applies over time.
  • Static audiences will enroll only users who meet the audience criteria at the specific moment when you click SAVE AUDIENCE (or, more precisely, when you click CONFIRM after having clicked SAVE AUDIENCE — but let’s not digress). Think of it as a snapshot, fixed in time. This is useful when you want to enroll users who meet certain criteria only at a certain date in time, and prevent automatic enrollment or unenrollment.

Create an audience

This section describes how to create a simple audience. Go to the next section to learn about combinations and advanced filters.

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Paths.
  2. On the right of the name of a path, click pen.svg Edit.
  3. At the top right of the section Enroll learners, click NEW SESSION.
  4. Activate or deactivate the option Dynamic updates.
  5. Click Edit the audience → Add groups.
  6. Select one or several groups. Make sure those groups collectively contain all the users you want to enroll.
    • You must be a coach or admin on a group to add it.
    • Make sure to select at least one group!
    • But also, don’t select more than 5,000 groups. 😅 We suggest creating a new session if you need to add more groups.
  7. Click outside the field.
  8. At the top of the section, click Check updates to save to see how many users are selected with the current filtering rules. Click again on the computed number to see the exact list of users.
  9. Click Filter these learners by, and select a filter (see section Create additional criteria to further filter down for more details on each filter).
  10. Select a value for the filter.
  11. At the bottom right, click SAVE AUDIENCE.
  12. Click CONFIRM.

Users are then automatically enrolled in the path session, and receive an email notification when the path session starts (except if they have already completed all steps in the path), or at minute 00 of the next hour if the session has already started.

If your audience contains more than 60,000 enrolled users, we suggest dividing it into several sessions.

Add more filters to an audience

You can tweak the filters of your audience, to include users from more than one group, or users who correspond to a combination of criteria.

Extend the pool of users

You can select more than one group in the first field, to extend the pool of users. This is useful when the users you want to enroll are scattered around several disjointed groups. Selecting several groups adds the users from all those groups (logical OR).

  1. Open a path session in the edition screen.
  2. In the section Enroll learners, click in the field Group is.
  3. Select the groups.
  4. Click outside the field.
  5. Click Compute number of learners to see the updated number.
    • If a user belongs to more than one group you selected, the number of potential learners to enroll may be lower than the exact sum of all members.
  6. At the bottom right, click SAVE AUDIENCE.
  7. Click CONFIRM.

If you had filters applied on the original group, they will also apply to those new groups.

If you want instead to create a new set of filters for those new groups by clicking Edit the audience → Add groups. This will create a new subsection.

Remove a group by clicking X on the right of its name. Remove all selected groups by clicking X on the top right of the field.

If you are not a member of private groups that have been enrolled in the path session, you will only see the name "private group" (not the actual group name) in the list of enrolled groups. You will also see the number of enrolled learners, but not their names.

Exclude individual users from the filters

See Unenroll users from a path session →

Create additional criteria to further filter down

You can select more than one custom field in the audience, or a mix of custom fields and path results, to filter down users who match several criteria at the same time (logical AND). This is useful when you want to target users who have independent characteristics (for example: users who live in "Paris" and have been in the company for "4+ years", and have successfully completed the path "Onboarding").

  1. Open a path session in the edition screen.
  2. In the section Enroll learners, click Filter these learners by.
  3. Select a criterion.
  4. Fill in the values.
    • If you selected a custom field, select a value for that custom field.
    • If you selected Path result, select a path and its completion status. Possible values are:
      • Completed — the learner completed all steps in the path.
      • Not completed — the learner has at least one uncompleted step in the path.
      • Successfulthe learner has completed all mandatory steps in the path, reached the minimum score in all mandatory courses that have one, and completed them in less than the maximum time limit, or more than the minimum time limit.
      • Not successful — the learner has at least one uncompleted step in the path, or the minimum score for at least one mandatory step has not been reached.
    • If you selected Certificate status, select certificates and their status. Possible values are:
      • Not obtained.
      • Valid.
      • Expired.
      • Expiring in 30 days.
  5. Click outside the field.
  6. Click Compute number of learners to see the updated number.
  7. At the bottom right, click SAVE AUDIENCE.
  8. Click CONFIRM.

Add another possible value for a custom field filter

You can select more than one value for a custom field. This is useful when you want to include users who match more than one specific value in a custom field (for example: all the users who have the value "Paris" or "Chicago" for the custom field "Location").

  1. Open a path session in the edition screen.
  2. In the section Enroll learners, click in the field on the right of the custom field title.
  3. Select the values.
  4. Click outside the field.
  5. Click Check updates to save to see the updated number.
  6. At the bottom right, click SAVE AUDIENCE.
  7. Click CONFIRM.

Remove a possible custom field value by clicking X on the right of its name. Remove all selected values by clicking X on the right of the field. This removes the custom field criteria.

Add another possible path for the path results filter

You can select more than one value for a path. The filter will apply to users who meet the result criterion for at least one of them. This is useful when you want to include users who have successfully completed one of several possible paths. (for example: all users who successfully completed the path "EMEA Onboarding" or all users who completed the path "US Onboarding").

  1. Open a path session in the edition screen.
  2. In the section Enroll learners, click in the field on the right of Path is.
  3. Select the values.
  4. Click outside the field.
  5. Click Check updates to save to see the updated number.
  6. At the bottom right, click SAVE AUDIENCE.
  7. Click CONFIRM.

Remove a path from the list by clicking X on the right of its name. Remove all selected values by clicking X on the right of the field. This removes the path criteria.

Add another possible certificate for the certificate results filter

You can select more than one value for a certificate. The filter will apply to users who meet the result criterion for at least one of them. This is useful when you want to include users who have successfully received one of several possible certificates. (for example: all users who received the certificate "EMEA Onboarding" or all users who received the certificate "US Onboarding").

  1. Open a path session in the edition screen.
  2. In the section Enroll learners, click in the field on the right of Certificate is.
  3. Select the values.
  4. Click outside the field.
  5. Click Check updates to save to see the updated number.
  6. At the bottom right, click SAVE AUDIENCE.
  7. Click CONFIRM.

Remove a certificate from the list by clicking X on the right of its name. Remove all selected values by clicking X on the right of the field. This removes the certificate criteria.

API limitations

API route Limitation
Path sessions created with this route will use the legacy enrollement mechanism, not audiences.

Those routes can only target path sessions created with the API route createPathSession.

They will not work on path sessions with audiences that would be created in the platform.


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