Process registration requests with the Task Center

  • Updated

Admins, managers and instructors of platforms that are fully migrated to paths can process path registration validations requests from the Task Center. If your platform still contains programs, you will not be able to see the Task Center.

Path registration validations are triggered when users try to self-enroll in a path session shared in their catalog, and that path session requires validation.

Validate or reject path session registration requests

Instructors or managers (depending on the session settings) of a path session that requires enrollment validation can validate or reject registration requests for that path session.

Admins of those instructors and managers can also act in their place (see section See requests for my team).

  1. On the top right, click on the ringBell.svg bell icon, then # Pending registration(s).
  2. In the list, click on a registration request.
  3. In the panel on the right, click REJECT or VALIDATE.
  4. At the bottom right of the panel, click CONFIRM.

You can reject or validate requests in bulk, by checking their box on the left of their title, then clicking REJECT or VALIDATE at the bottom of the page.

The name of the person who rejected or validated the request will be attached to the request, and can be seen by all people who can see the request.

Filter and reorder requests

By default, the Task Center displays all non-completed requests, with the most recent at the top of the list. But you can filter them:

  1. At the top right of the Task Center, click Filter.
  2. Click on a section, and select a value.
    • Groups: only show requests for path sessions whose owner group are the selected groups.
    • Learners: only show requests from the selected users.
    • Sessions: only show requests for the selected path sessions.
    • You can apply multiple filters; this will display results matching all the criteria.
  3. At the bottom right, click APPLY.

You can remove a filter by clicking X on the right of its title, above the list of tasks.

You can also order tasks by ascending creation date (oldest at the top) by clicking the button Newest at the top right, then selecting Oldest.

See completed requests

You can view requests that have already been validated or rejected, as well as the identity of the person who completed them.

  1. At the top right of the Task Center, click the dropdown menu Pending.
  2. Select Completed.

If the request was completed by someone else, their profile picture will be displayed on the left of the completion status. Hover over the profile picture to see their name.

See and complete requests for my team

Platform admins can see the registration requests sent to all instructors and managers, see the number of pending and completed requests for each of them, and validate or reject registrations in their place.

  1. At the top left of the Task Center, on the left of your profile picture, click My team.
    • This will show the list of all instructors and managers in your group, including yourself.
    • You can see the number of pending and completed requests in the corresponding columns, and click on the column header to reorder the list by that criterion.
    • Click Filter at the top right to apply filters on all requests in that view.
  2. Click on the name of a user.
  3. Click on a registration request.
  4. In the panel on the right, click REJECT or VALIDATE.
  5. At the bottom right of the panel, click CONFIRM.
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