Add a certificate to a path

  • Updated

Authors and administrators can add certificates to paths.

This article concerns certificates in paths, which learners can earn when they successfully complete a path session.

  • If you’re looking for certificates in programs (which learners can earn when they successfully complete a program session), look here →
  • If you’re looking for certificates of completion (OPCO), which are essentially timesheets, look here →

Add a certificate

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Paths.
  2. On the right side of the path row, click Edit pen (2).svg.
  3. At the bottom of the page, in Certificate section, click Certificate.
  4. Select an existing certificate in the list and click CONFIRM, or click NEW CERTIFICATE at the top right.

You can also create a certificate from the homepage. At the top of the homepage, click Certificates then click CREATE A NEW CERTIFICATE on the top right.

You can edit the following fields in a certificate:

  • Owner group: only administrators and authors of this group can see, edit and delete the certificate (this includes administrators of higher-level groups, by inheritance).
  • Title (mandatory): max 70 characters.
  • Background image: we recommend a size of 1500x1050 pixels, and no text in the background image to avoid overlap between your visuals and the text of the certificate. Click on the image to upload a new one.
  • Certificate name: max 28 characters if custom.
  • Certification authority: (mandatory): max 100 characters.
  • Contact: max 200 characters.
  • Description (mandatory): max 400 characters.
  • Validity period: when checked, enter a number of months (positive integer) to define when the certificate expires.

Click PREVIEW at the top right to view the appearance of the certificate. In the preview:

  • The text [Path Name] will be replaced by the actual path name for learners who receive it.
  • The # will be replaced by the actual URL where certified learners can find the certificate.

Edit a certificate

  1. At the top of the homepage, click chevronRight.svgCertificates.
  2. In the list, on the right of a certificate, click  pen (2).svg Edit certificate.

If the certificate is used in more than one path, a message appears listing all the paths in which the certificate is used.

You can also edit a certificate directly from a path, by clicking 3Dots.svgEdit on the right of the certificate.

You can edit the following fields in a certificate:

  • Owner group: only administrators and authors of this group can see, edit and delete the certificate (this includes administrators of higher-level groups, by inheritance).
  • Title (mandatory): max 70 characters.
  • Background image: we recommend a size of 1500x1050 pixels, and no text in the background image to avoid overlap between your visuals and the text of the certificate. Click on the image to upload a new one.
  • Certificate name: max 28 characters if custom.
  • Certification authority: (mandatory): max 100 characters.
  • Contact: max 200 characters.
  • Description (mandatory): max 400 characters.
  • Validity period: when checked, enter a number of months (positive integer) to define when the certificate expires.

Delete a certificate

You can only delete certificates that are not involved in any path. To delete a certificate that is involved in a path:

  1. Remove the certificate from the path.
  2. Delete the certificate from the platform.

Remove a certificate from a path

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Paths.
  2. On the right of the name of a path, click Edit  pen (2).svg.
  3. At the bottom of the page, on the right of the certificate, click 3Dots.svgRemove.
  4. Click CONFIRM.

Delete a certificate from the platform

You can only delete a certificate if it is not used in any path.

  1. At the top of the homepage, click chevronRight.svgCertificates.
  2. In the list, on the right of a certificate, click bin.svg Delete certificate.
  3. Click CONFIRM.
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