Change the privacy (private/public) of a group

  • Updated

If you’re looking to change the privacy of your Facebook group, check this article →

(I recently realized this article attracted Facebook users. I’m flattered for the unwanted attention, but it’s kind of bombing my stats, so.)

Group admins can change the privacy of their group (except the platform group, which is private and cannot be changed).

A group can be public or private. Admins of a group automatically have administrator permissions on all groups below it.

  • Public
    • Members of the group can be seen by other members of the group, and members of all publicly connected groups.
    • Learners of the group are automatically added to all higher level groups, until and including the first private group encountered.
    • Comments (in the forum of a course’s activity or a learning need) published in the group can be seen by members of the group, and members of all publicly connected groups.
    • Messages (in the newsfeed of a group, or the profile page of a user) published in the group can only be seen by members of the group.
  • Private
    • Members of the group can be seen by other members of the group, and members of all publicly connected groups.
    • Comments (in the forum of a course’s activity or a learning need) published in the group can be seen by members of the group, and members of all publicly connected groups.
    • Messages (in the newsfeed of a group, or the profile page of a user) published in the group can only be seen by members of the group.

A public group is publicly connected to another group if they share the same lowest private ancestor. There must be a public connection between them through the group hierarchy links.

A private group is publicly connected to all public groups below it, that are not separated by another private group. A private group is not publicly connected to any group above it.

Turn a public group into a private group

Turning a public group into a private group will restrict visibility on posts and members (to only the public groups below the group). Learners who were added to higher level groups remain in those groups.

  1. In the left sidebar, click on a public group.
  2. At the top right of the main section, click settings.svg Settings.
  3. In the section Privacy, select Private.

Turn a private group into a public group

Turning a private group into a public group will expand visibility on posts and members (to all new publicly connected groups), and add learners to all higher level groups, until and including the first private group encountered.

  1. In the left sidebar, click on a private group.
  2. At the top right of the main section, click settings.svg Settings.
  3. In the section Privacy, select Public.
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