About completion rate

  • Updated

The completion rate, expressed as a percentage, represents the user progression throughout a course or session.

Completion rate in a course

The value of the completion rate in a course depends on the number of activities in the course.

A user has a completion rate equal to 0% in a course until they click NEXT, after the first activity.

The user has a completion rate equal to 100% when they click FINISH, after the last activity.

The score is computed with isometric increments between the beginning and the end.

Examples of possible completion values, depending on the number of activities:

  • Course with a single activity: 0% or 100%
  • Course with two activities: 0%, 50%, or 100%
  • Course with three activities: 0%, 33%, 66%, or 100%
  • Course with four activities: 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, or 100%
  • etc.

If the course has a minimum score in Learning mode or Training mode, the user will have 100% completion only when the minimum score is reached, and will reset to 0% at the start of each attempt.

Completion rate in a SCORM course

The value of the completion rate in a SCORM course can take only three values:

Completion rate in a program session

The completion rate of a user in a session is computed in two steps:

  • first, as a function of the number of courses and assessment blocks in the session,
  • then, as a function of the number of activities in each course.

Classroom blocks, email blocks, and certificate blocks do not count in the completion rate computation.

All courses and assessment blocks have the same weight in the completion rate computation.

If a session contains one course and one assessment block, the user will have a completion rate of 50% at the end of the course (regardless of the number of activities in the course), then 100% after the assessment block.

If the course contains four activities, the possible completion rate values are:

  • 0%;
  • 12.5% (at the end of the first activity);
  • 25% (at the end of the second activity);
  • 37.5% (at the end of the third activity);
  • 50% (at the end of the fourth and last activity of the course);
  • 100% (at the end of the Assessment block).

Completion rate in a finished session

When a session is finished, the completion rate of users who hadn’t completed all the session blocks is modified in two places:

  • the section General > Progress by course, in the statistics page of the session;
  • the column Progress of the session export file.

Section General>Progress by course

Learners remain on the same histogram bar if they had reached a course, but had not clicked START.

Learners remain on the same histogram bar if they had clicked START in the course they had reached, but if at least one of the following conditions is met:

  • the minimum score of the course was not reached;
  • the next block in the program is an Assessment block;
  • the next block in the program is a Classroom block whose start date is in the future;
  • the next block in the program is an Email block whose sending date is in the future.

In all other cases, Learners who had reached a course and clicked START will be moved to the next histogram bar.

Column Progress of the session export file

The value of column Progress (O) in the session export file is computed with the standard rules for session completion rate (only courses and Assessment blocks are taken into account), by considering that Learners who had reached a course and clicked START are now at 100% completion rate on that course.

Completion rate of program sessions in the Progress column of the manager’s dashboard

When clicking on a program session in the Training table of the manager dashboard, the progress is computed as a function of the courses and classroom blocks (instead of courses and assessment blocks).

If the program session is closed:

  • unfinished courses (the learner clicked START but did not finish it) are considered completed and have 100% completion rate;
  • all classroom blocks directly following a completed course are considered completed and have 100% completion rate.
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