Track statistics for Go1 courses from your 360Learning platform

  • Updated

Who can use this feature?

  • This feature requires the Go1 Integration.
  • Courses can be started from the web and mobile apps.
  • Statistics can be tracked on the web app.

The Go1 integration synchronizes learner statistics from Go1 to 360Learning, enabling you to track course progress and completion directly within 360Learning.

While this allows you to use 360Learning features like custom reports and dashboards, as you would with any other course, the statistics for Go1 courses behave differently due to the specific data provided by Go1.

This article explains how the statistics synchronization works and highlights the specific behaviors and calculations involved when tracking Go1 courses from 360Learning.

Learners must use the same email on both platforms for their statistics to synchronize from Go1 to 360Learning.

Statistics behavior upon course start

A course attempt is created in 360Learning when:

  • The learner clicks START on a course from any 360Learning entry point, such as a group catalog or a path session.
  • The learner starts and completes the course directly on Go1 without attempting it on 360Learning, using the same email as their 360Learning account.

When a learner launches the course from 360Learning, the attempt remains open and progress is initially set to 50%.

We made multiple improvements to how course progress and completion are tracked.
  • Web app (December 19th, 2024):
    If a learner started a course on the web app before December 19th, 2024, but didn’t finish it, the course will show as Completed with 0% progress unless they continue after this date.
  • Mobile app (December 26th, 2024):
    If a learner started a course on the mobile app before December 26th, 2024, but didn’t finish it, the course will show as Completed with 0% progress unless they continue after this date.

Statistics behavior upon course completion

Course statistics in 360Learning are synchronized in near real-time from Go1 upon course completion. The following updates occur in 360Learning:

  • Progress: Set to 100%.
  • Completion date and time: Shown in the 360Learning course dashboard under the Last activity column.
  • Result: Determined based on the status and pass condition:
    • If the learner passes the course, the result is marked as "Success."
    • If the learner doesn't pass but the course is marked as "Completed," the result is marked as "Failed."
  • Time spent: Updated based on the conditions below:
    • For attempts started after December 19th, 12 PM Central European Time (UTC+1), time spent is applied only to the oldest attempt still open when the course was completed. It's calculated as the minimum of:
      • The theoretical course duration.
      • The time between the first activity (course launch) and the last activity (course completion event).
    • For attempts started before December 19th, 12 PM Central European Time (UTC+1), time spent is automatically set to 0 milliseconds for the oldest attempt.

Near real-time data synchronization involves a slight delay, typically in seconds or minutes, depending on network latency and processing constraints. Users may need to refresh the page after a few minutes to see the updated statistics.

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