Review a project course

  • Updated

Who can use this feature?

  • Project team members can add any user from their group as a project course reviewer.
  • All users can post internal comments in courses they've been added to as a reviewer.
  • Available on the Champion solution. Non-Champion plans have 2 projects per group.
  • Accessible only on the Web Application.

Reviewer is a project-specific role that cannot be used outside of courses created or edited within a project.

For project courses they've been added to as a reviewer, users can: 

  • Access the project course.
  • Read and add internal comments on course activities.

Assign course reviewers

To assign a user as a reviewer to a project course, the user needs to be part of the project group.

There are two ways to assign reviewers:

  • During the Create phase, through the automatic Choose reviewers course task.
  • At any time, by manually adding a task in the REVIEW section.

Both options send notification emails to reviewers.

Choose reviewers task

In the CREATE section of the project page, the outline automatically adds a Choose reviewers task with an option to Assign reviewers.

The timing of when a project generates the Assign reviewers option depends on the course type. 

New courses

The option appears after a team member creates the course from the project outline.

Existing courses The option appears as soon as a team member adds the course to the project outline.

To assign course reviewers:

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Projects.
  2. In the list of projects, click on a project.
  3. In the CREATE section, click on the name of a course.
  4. On the right of the Choose reviewers task, click Assign reviewers.
  5. Select the reviewers.
  6. On the bottom right, click CONFIRM.
  7. Enter instructions for the reviewers.
  8. On the bottom right, click SEND.

Manual review task

To assign course reviewers through a manual review task:

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Projects.
  2. In the list of projects, click on a project.
  3. In the REVIEW section, click on the name of a course.
  4. Click ADD TASK.
  5. Type a short description and click out of the field to save.
  6. On the right of the task, click userPlus.svg Assign task.

Open a course for review

Reviewers can access the project course for review in a couple of ways:

  • Email notification: In the email notification you get when you've been added as a reviewer, click the Review this course button.
  • Review inbox: At the top right, click ringBell notifications.svg Notificationscheckmark.svg # Pending review(s). Next to the course, click REVIEW.

If the reviewer is a project team member, they can also open the course from the project outline:

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Projects.
  2. In the list of projects, click on a project.
  3. At the top, click on the CREATE tab.
  4. On the right of the course name, click eye.svg See course.
  5. At the top right, click triangleRight play.svg Play.

Review a course

  1. From the course homepage, click START.
  2. For each activity, share your feedback through an internal comment in the course forum.
  3. When you're done sharing feedback, click COMPLETE REVIEW in the course navigation bar.
  4. Click COMPLETE REVIEW in the dialog box to confirm you're done.

After that, team members will get an email notification and the review task is marked as done in the project.

Reviewers can still replay the course and add more internal comments.

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