Who can use this feature?
Integration overview
The connector between 360Learning and HiBob allows you to synchronize users from HiBob into 360Learning automatically.
At activation, the connector will:
- Add HiBob users to 360Learning if they didn’t previously exist.
- Edit existing 360Learning users with the information from HiBob.
- Deactivate users in 360Learning if they are inactive users in HiBob.
The connector is highly configurable, and provides the following features:
- Two synchronization modes:
- Real-time: Synchronize users from HiBob into 360Learning in real-time upon their creation, update, or deactivation in HiBob.
- Full Synchronization: Synchronize all users from HiBob into 360Learning.
- User Identification / Reconciliation: Guarantee the matching of users between the 2 systems.
- Status Management: Configure which data in HiBob will drive the activation or deactivation of users in 360Learning.
- User Standard Fields: Define which HiBob fields populate the 360Learning User Standard Fields.
- User Custom Fields: Define which HiBob fields populate the 360Learning User Custom Fields.
- Filtering: Define filters to synchronize users matching those filters.
- Group Assignment: Define rules to automatically assign specific users to specific groups in 360Learning.
- Data Standardization: Transform the data coming from HiBob to match an expected field in 360Learning.
- Notifications: Be automatically notified if something goes wrong.
- Reporting: For the full synchronization mode, follow the synchronization results with a detailed report sent by email.
Set up the integration
Step 1: Request the HiBob connector
Email your Solution Architect (SA) or your Customer Success Partner (CSP), asking for the activation of the HiBob connector.
Step 2: Configure the connector in Workato
The connector between 360Learning and HiBob is highly flexible and configurable. You can configure the connector’s features on setup tables called Lookup tables in Workato.
To configure the integration in Workato, see Set up the HiBob connector in Workato.
Step 3: Configure the connector in HiBob
The connector leverages the 2 HiBob integration features:
- Service User
- Webhooks
To configure the integration in HiBob, see Set up the HiBob connector in HiBob.