Synchronize users from Workday with 360Learning

  • Updated

This feature requires the HCM Connect Solution. Contact your Account Manager for more information.

This integration allows you to:

  • Choose your connector administrator.
  • Map which 360Learning groups your Workers (Workday users) will be synchronized to.
  • Synchronize information from key Workday fields into 360Learning.
  • (optional) Select additional Workday fields to synchronize to 360Learning as custom fields.

At activation, the integration will:

  • Add synchronized Workers to 360Learning if they didn't previously exist.
  • Edit existing 360Learning fields with the information from Workday.

The integration will not delete or synchronize users who only exist in 360Learning.

Set up the Workday integration

Step 1: Configure Workday

For the application to securely access Workday Web Services for a given tenant, OAuth security must be configured:

Create an integration system user

A security administrator for the target Workday tenant must follow these instructions to create an integration system user to secure the application.

  1. Access the Create Integration System User task and configure a Workday account for the integration.
  2. Enter 360Learning_ISU as the user name for the 360Learning Integration System User.
  3. Enter a password. This doesn’t need to be saved and can be reset if needed.
  4. Select the Do Not Allow UI Sessions check box. This option prevents the integration system user from signing in to Workday through the user interface.
  5. Leave the default values for all other prompts and click OK.

Create an integration system security group

A security administrator for the target Workday tenant must follow these instructions to create an Integration System Security Group to secure the application.

  1. Access the Create Security Group task.
  2. From the Type of Tenanted Security Group prompt, select Integration System Security Group (Unconstrained).
  3. Enter 360Learning_ISSG as the name for the 360Learning Integration System Security Group, and click OK.
  4. From the Integration System Users prompt, select 360Learning_ISU and click OK.
  5. Access the Related Actions for 360Learning_ISSG and select Security Group → Maintain Domain Permissions for Security Group.
  6. In the Domain Security Policies permitting Get access prompt, select Job Information, Person Data: Personal Information, Worker Data: Public Worker Reports, Workday Usage Metrics.
  7. Access the Activate Pending Security Policy Changes task.
  8. Describe the changes in the Comment field.
  9. Select Confirm checkbox and click OK to activate the changes.

Register API Client for Integrations

A security administrator for the target Workday tenant must follow these instructions to Register API Clients for Integrations.

  1. Access the Register API Client for Integrations task.
  2. Enter the Client Name.
  3. Leave the Refresh Token Timeout (in days) set to 0. To prevent the refresh token from timing out, Workday automatically selects the Non-Expiring Refresh Tokens check box.
  4. From the Scope (Functional Areas) prompt, select Staffing, System, and Worker Profile and Skills.
  5. Select the Include Workday Owned Scope check box.
  6. Leave the Restricted to IP Ranges prompt blank.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Copy the Client Secret before you navigate away from the page and store it securely.

Workday generates the following items:

  • An API Client for Integrations with an Authorization Code Grant client grant type and a Bearer access token type
  • A unique Client ID
  • A Client Secret

If you lose the Client Secret, you can generate a new one using the Generate New API Client Secret task.

Manage Refresh Tokens for API Client for Integrations

Manage the refresh tokens for API clients for integrations for specific Workday accounts.

  1. As a related action on the API client for integrations, select API Client → Manage Refresh Tokens for Integrations.
  2. Select the Workday Account named 360Learning_ISU from the prompt.
  3. Select Generate New Refresh Token to generate a new token.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Copy the Refresh token before you navigate away from the page and store it securely.

If you lose the Refresh token, you can generate a new one following the steps previously described.

Step 2: Request the activation of the Workday connector

After you have configured Workday, email either your 360Learning Client Success Partner or Solution Architect with the following information:

  • Integration Name: Workday
  • Client ID: the client ID generated using the Register API Client for Integrations procedure
  • Client secret: the client secret generated using the Register API Client for Integrations procedure
  • Refresh token: the refresh token generated using the Manage Refresh Tokens for API Client procedure
  • Authentication Token Endpoint: for example, https://{endpoint}/ccx/oauth2/{tenant}/token
  • Human Resources SOAP Web Service URL: for example, https://{endpoint}/ccx/service/{tenant}/Human_Resources/{version}
  • 360Learning Group Id: the group that you will sync with Workday.
  • 360Learning Connector Admin Email: The email of the user who will act as the administrator for your integration. In 360Learning, this user needs to be either a platform administrator or the platform owner.
  • (Optional) Custom Fields: If you want to sync additional fields, include the exact XPath to the fields that are reachable through the Workday Human Resources SOAP API and how you would like the field name to appear in 360Learning.

After that, your Solution Architect will reach out and complete configuration and setup testing with you. Once testing is complete, they will turn the integration on in your live platform.

Step 3: Test the integration

Next, your Solution Architect will send you a URL to test the integration.

The test environment does not automatically synchronize from Workday and 360Learning. When running through your tests, contact your Solution Architect to manually run the synchronization scripts.


  • Production URL:
  • Test URL:

Other things to know about the test environment:

  • Any changes made in production will not show up in the test environment.
  • Any changes made in the test environment will not show up in production.
  • The test environment does not send any emails.
  • The test environment is temporary. If you cannot log in to it anymore while still testing your integration, ask your Solution Architect to restart the test environment.

Suggested test scenarios

When running through your tests, remember to contact your Solution Architect to manually run the synchronization scripts.

  • All Active Workers show up as Learners in your synced group(s).
  • The data from Workday was copied over to the correct 360Learning fields for each user.
  • When you modify a user in Workday, the edit shows up correctly in 360Learning after the sync.
  • When you create a new user in Workday, they show up in 360Learning after the sync.
  • When you terminate a user in Workday, they are deleted in 360Learning after the sync.

Step 4: Activate the Workday integration in production

When you’ve run all tests and are satisfied with the results, you can ask your Solution Architect to deploy the connector to your production platform.

New users added through the synchronization will get an email notification with an email and password they can use for their initial login. Once they’ve connected, the platform will prompt them to change their password.

More information about the Workday integration

Default synced data

Here are the default fields that the integration syncs from Workday.

The integration only syncs data Workers that are marked as active, based on the value from the Worker_Status_Data field.

Workday Attribute

360Learning Field Name


External id

Formatted Name



First name


Last name




(Position_Title if Business_Title doesn’t exist or is empty)

Title / Employment



ID of the manager of the current Worker from the element Manager_as_of_last_detected_manager_change_Reference


If the element Preferred_Name_Data exists, then we will use the attribute Formatted Name and the elements First_Name and Last_Name. Otherwise, if the element Preferred_Name_Data does not exist, the element Legal_Name_Data will be used, with the same elements.

Syncing custom fields (optional)

Supported Workday fields

In addition to the default synced fields, the integration can sync any standard or custom Workday field from the following objects that are reachable through the Workday Human Resources SOAP API:

  • Reference
  • Personal Data
  • Employment Data
  • Organization Data
  • Role Data
  • User Account Data

These will show up as custom fields in 360Learning.

Things to know about how custom fields synchronize

  • Custom fields don't need to exist in the 360Learning platform before the synchronization, as they will be created on demand.
  • If you remove the custom field from a user in 360Learning but not in Workday, the integration will add the custom fields back to the user in 360Learning in the next sync.
  • If you delete a synced custom field from 360Learning but not Workday, the integration will recreate and add the custom field back to users in the next sync.
  • If you change the title of a synced custom field in 360Learning, the integration will create and add a new custom field for that field in the next sync. The renamed custom field will still exist in 360Learning, but it will be removed from synced users.
  • If you add a non-synced custom field to a synced user in 360Learning, the custom field will stay in place during syncs.
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