The platform sends automatic reminders to learners registered to a program session.
You can also send manual email reminders to learners or groups of learners, and monitor those reminders.
You can also send reminders to learners on mobile →
Automatic reminders
We send an automatic email reminder 7 days, then 14 days after a users’ invitation, if they still haven’t created their account.
If a user hasn’t finished a program session to which they are registered, we send an automatic email reminder 24 hours before the end of the session.
Enable inactivity reminders on a session
On top of the mandatory automatic reminders above, session instructors and platform administrators can enable optional automatic inactivity reminders in a program session, which are sent 2 days, then 7 days after the learner’s last activity on the program session.
- At the top of the homepage, click Program sessions.
- On the right of the name of a session, click
- On the bottom of the section Session general properties, click Advanced options.
- Check the box Send automated reminders.
Send a manual reminder to learners who haven’t finished a program session
Coaches of groups assigned to a program session, program session instructors, and platform administrators can send manual reminders to learners from the settings of a program session.
- At the top of the homepage, click Program sessions.
- On the right of the name of a session, click
- On the left, in the section Manage this session, click Send a reminder.
- By default, all users who haven’t finished the session are selected. Uncheck those you want to exclude from the reminder, then click CONFIRM on the bottom right.
- Enter the message for your reminder, then click OK.
Learners will receive an email notification, with a link to the session.
Send a manual reminder to learners about path sessions
Instructors, coaches, group administrators, and platform administrators can send path reminders to learners from the path session results and statistics page.
- At the top of the homepage, click Paths.
- On the right of the name of a path, click
Results and statistics.
- In the right panel, select the desired path session.
- Scroll down to the Individual data section.
- At the top right of the table, click REMIND.
- Select the user(s) that you would like to send a reminder to.
- Click NEXT.
- Select your preferred method to send the reminder:
- News feed: A message will auto-populate with a link to the training, as well as a mention of the selected user(s).
- Email: You will be given a menu to enter the body of the email.
- Click SEND.
Learners will receive an email notification, with a link to the session.
Send a manual reminder to learners who reached a specific course in a program session
Instructors, coaches, group administrators, and platform administrators can send manual reminders to learners from the settings of a path session.
- At the top of the homepage, click Program Sessions.
- Click on a session.
- In the section General → Progress by course, click on the histogram bar of a course.
- By default, all users who reached this course are selected. Uncheck those you want to exclude from the reminder, then click CONFIRM on the bottom right.
- Enter the message for your reminder, then click OK.
Learners will receive an email notification, with a link to the session.
Send a training reminder to a managee
Managers can send custom reminders to their managees for training items in which they are assigned or enrolled.
Send a reminder for sessions ending soon
- At the top of the homepage, click Users.
- In the Sessions ending soon section, click
Send reminder next to the desired training item.
- Optional: To filter learners by registration date or custom fields, click Â
Filter at the top right of the dialog box.
- Select the users to whom you wish to send a reminder.
- At the bottom right, click NEXT.
- Select your preferred method to send the reminder:
- Click News feed to post a message in the section Messages of a group. A message will auto-populate with a link to the training, as well as a mention of the selected users.
- Click Email to send an email.
- Click SEND.
If a path has multiple sessions ending soon, the path is only displayed once, with the closer end date. You can still send a reminder to your managees for all the sessions ending soon on the same path by selecting the path session with the closer end date.
Send a reminder for any training content
- At the top of the homepage, click Users.
- In the Results section, click Result by user's completion -> Result by training.
- In the Result by training table, click
Send reminder next to the desired training item.
- Optional: To filter learners by registration date or custom fields, click Â
Filter at the top right of the dialog box.
- Select the users to whom you wish to send a reminder. Users are ordered by ascending order of completion rate.
- At the bottom right, click NEXT.
- Select your preferred method to send the reminder:
- Click News feed to post a message in the section Messages of a group. A message will auto-populate with a link to the training, as well as a mention of the selected users.
- Click Email to send an email.
- Click SEND.
Monitor reminders
- At the top of the homepage, click Program sessions.
- Click on a session.
- At the top right of the section Individual results, click SEND A REMINDER.
Under each learner's name, a line indicates how many reminders they've been sent for this program session, and the day and time when the last reminder was sent. You can click on the line to show all reminders for that user.
Send invitation reminders to users who don’t have an account on the platform
See section "Track, resend and cancel invitations" in article Add users →