Create custom fields

  • Updated

Custom fields are the association of a title and a value. Platform admins manage the title of the custom field, and group administrators manage the value, in the profile of their users.

Values can be a text (string of characters), or a date.

Authors, coaches, and admins can then use custom fields to filter users in their custom reports.

This allows users to have different values for the same type of custom field.

For example:

  1. A platform administrator creates the custom field title House.
  2. A group administrator opens the profile of one of their group members, and adds the value Hufflepuff to the custom field House.
    • The custom field will be displayed as House: Hufflepuff.
  3. The group administrator opens the profile of another group member, and adds the value Ravenclaw to the custom field House.
    • The custom field will be displayed as House: Ravenclaw.

Create a custom field with a restricted list of values

Platform admins can create custom fields, from the settings of the platform group.

Custom fields with a restricted list of values will allow group administrators to select a value among a predefined list, when they assign it to their users.

  1. On the homepage, in the left sidebar, click on the platform group.
  2. At the top right, click settings.svg Settings.
  3. In the left sidebar, click Keywords → User Custom Fields.
  4. On the top right, click ADD CUSTOM FIELD.
  5. Above the title field, select Text or Date.
  6. Enter the title of the custom field, then click outside the field to save.
  7. Below the title of the custom field, click ADD VALUE.
  8. Enter the name of the value (if it’s a text custom field), or select a date (if it’s a date custom field).
  9. Click outside the field to save.

You can now add a value in the users’ profile.

You can also assign users to values from the settings menu.

  1. On the right of the name of the value, click userPlus.svg Assign user.
  2. Select users.
  3. At the bottom right, click CONFIRM.

Create a custom field with free input

Platform administrators can create custom fields, from the settings of the platform group.

Custom fields with free input will allow group administrators to choose the text for the value of the custom field, when they assign it to their users. 

  1. On the homepage, in the left sidebar, click on the platform group.
  2. At the top right, click settings.svg Settings.
  3. In the left sidebar, click Keywords → User Custom Fields.
  4. On the top right, click ADD CUSTOM FIELD.
  5. Above the title field, select Text or Date.
  6. Enter the title of the custom field, then click outside the field to save.
  7. Disable the option below the title.

You can now add a value in the users’ profiles.

You can also create prepopulated values for the custom field settings. In free input, you must assign at least one user to values you create from the settings menu.

  1. Below the title of the custom field, click ADD VALUE.
  2. Enter the name of the value (if it’s a text custom field), or select a date (if it’s a date custom field).
  3. On the right of the name, click userPlus.svg Assign user.
  4. Select users.
  5. At the bottom right, click CONFIRM.

Add a value to a custom field in a user profile

Administrators can add values to custom fields in the profile page of the users in their group.

You can also add custom field values to several users in a batch using a CSV import.

  1. At the top right of the homepage, click CREATE → User.
  2. In the left sidebar, click Current members.
  3. Click on a user.
  4. In the section Custom Fields, click ADD CUSTOM FIELD.
  5. Select the custom field.
  6. Select a value.
    • If the custom field has a restricted list of values, click on the value.
    • If the custom field has free input, enter the text for the value (if it’s a text custom field) or select a date (if it’s a date custom field), then click ADD.
  7. At the bottom right, click SAVE.

In free input, values are case-sensitive. For example, Hufflepuff and hufflepuff would show up as two different values.

Filter users by custom field

  1. On the top right of any user list (for example, the list available when clicking Users at the top of the homepage), click Filter.
  2. In the Custom Fields section, select the custom field types.
  3. Select the values for each custom field.
    • Selecting nothing will only add a column in the table, but the same users will be displayed.
    • Selecting one or several values (or Select all) will add a column for the custom field, and only display users that have one of the selected values.
    • If the custom field is a date, you can select a date range and only users with a date value within that range will be displayed. 
  4. Close the Filter panel.

The table now displays one additional column per custom field, whose header corresponds to the title of the custom field.

You can then:

  • Change the selected values by clicking on the column header (or click Filter on the top right of the table, then click the desired custom field type and change the selected values).
  • Remove the filter by clicking Filter on the top right of the table and Clear on the right of the custom field type.
  • Select another custom field type by clicking Filter on the top right of the table.
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