Download general project statistics
Team members can download the general statistics of their projects.
- At the top of the homepage, click Projects.
- At the top right of the list of projects, click Download.
The downloaded file will show the list of Projects, with the following columns:
- Group: Name of the group linked to the project.
- Project: Name of the project.
- Deadline: Deadline of the project (format YYYY/MM/DD).
- Team: Full names of users who are project team members.
- Status: Status of the project (Creating in progress, In review, Ready to share, or Delivered).
- Project ID: Unique identifier for the project.
Filter projects per user
If you belong to more than three ongoing project teams, you can filter projects by team members.
- At the top of the homepage, click Projects.
- Above the list of projects, click on a user's profile picture.
To search for a specific user, click the search bar at the top right of the profile pictures.
View projects statistics per group
Platform Admins, Group Admins, and Coaches can view the statistics of projects linked to their group.
- In the left sidebar of the homepage, click on a group.
- At the top, click Statistics.
- Scroll down to the Projects section.
Click on the sections at the top to filter the graph:
- Ongoing: number of ongoing projects over the past four months.
- Avg delivery time: average duration of all projects in the past four months, by computing the difference between the time of launch and the time of creation).
- Delivered: number of projects launched in the past four months.
- Courses created: number of courses created from the projects interface in the past four months.