Add a manager

  • Updated

A manager can access the statistics of a user (even on courses or sessions they can’t access themselves).

Managers receive a weekly email every Monday, between 2:00pm and 2:30pm (CET). You can review all notifications received by managers here (at the top, click Notifications per role, then select Managers).

Assign a manager or a managee

Platform admins can assign managers and managees from any group, to any user.

Admins and user admins can assign managers and managees if the manager and the managee are in a group they administrate.

  1. In the left sidebar, click on a group.
  2. At the top, click Users.
  3. In the left sidebar, click Current members → All.
  4. Click on a user.
  5. At the top right of the Profile section, click the three dotted icon Show managers.
  6. At the top, click Managers or Managees, then select users. 
    • If you select users in the Managers section, the selected users will become managers of the current user.
    • If you select users in the Managees section, the current user will become manager of the selected users.
    • You can also add a list of emails by clicking ADD EMAIL ADDRESSES at the bottom left. Make sure the emails correspond to active accounts.
  7. At the bottom right, click CONFIRM.

Assign managers in bulk

Admins and user admins can also update several managers at the same time by uploading a CSV file.

Updating managers via CSV will replace the current manager/managee relationship, so make sure to list any current managers in the CSV file alongside the new managers that you would like to add.

Before making updates, we suggest you verify your current relationship list by exporting the manager/managee list.

Download the CSV template file

You can create a CSV file from scratch, or download a template directly in the platform.

  1. In the left sidebar, click on a group.
  2. At the top right, click CREATE User.
  3. In the left sidebar, click Current members → All.
  4. Click upload.svg.
  5. Click a sample CSV template.

If creating your file from scratch, name column A “email of manager” and name column B “email of managee”.

Fill in the CSV file

Fill in the columns of the CSV file with the email addresses of the users and their corresponding managers.

If a user has more than one manager, add one line per couple. In the example below, the user is linked to two managers: and


Upload the CSV file

Once you have filled in the emails for your managers and managees, upload it to your user settings.

  1. In the left sidebar, click on a group.
  2. At the top right, click CREATEUser.
  3. In the left sidebar, click Current members → All.
  4. Click upload.svg.
  5. Click CHOOSE FILE.
  6. Select your CSV file.
  7. Click IMPORT.
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