Fill classroom slot attendance in a program

  • Updated

Fill attendance

Instructors of program sessions with classroom slots can mark who attended a specific classroom slot.

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Classrooms.
  2. At the top left, click bar.svg Statistics.
  3. On the right side of a classroom slot, click eye.svg Go to slot.
  4. Select users by checking the box in the left column.
    • You can select all users by checking the box at the top left, in the table header.
  5. At the bottom, click 3Dots.svg → Mark as attended.

You can change the status of a user by clicking 3Dots.svg on the right of their line.

Open Learner Check-In

This feature requires the Live Solution. Contact your Account Manager to know more.

Instructors of program sessions with classroom slots can enable their learners to check in on the platform.

  1. At the top of the home page, click Classrooms.
  2. At the top left, click bar.svg Statistics.
  3. On the right side of a classroom slot, click eye.svg Go to slot.
  4. At the top right, click MANAGE CHECK-IN.
  5. Click OPEN CHECK-IN.
  6. You can click CLOSE CHECK-INto disable it again.

When Check-In is open, a code is displayed for instructors to share with their learners.

Learners who click CHECK-IN in the program session homepage will have to enter that code and click CHECK-IN again to validate their presence. Learners can validate their presence on the web application or their mobile application.

Send a Check-In reminder to pending users

This feature requires the Live Solution. Contact your Account Manager to know more.

Session instructors can send an email notification to users who are registered to a classroom slot with open check-in, and who haven’t checked in yet.

To send the link to an individual user:

  1. At the top of the home page, click Classrooms.
  2. At the top left, click bar.svg Statistics.
  3. On the right side of a classroom slot, click eye.svg Go to slot.
  4. On the right of the name of a user, click planeUp.svg Send message.

To send the link to several users:

  1. At the top of the home page, click Classrooms.
  2. At the top left, click bar.svg Statistics.
  3. On the right side of a classroom slot, click eye.svg Go to slot.
  4. Select users by checking the box in the left column.
    • You can select all users by checking the box at the top left, in the table header.
  5. At the bottom, next to N users selected, click planeUp.svg Send message.

You can also copy the link to the check-in page to your clipboard, by clicking Copy link on the right of the classroom slot code.

Download attendance sheet

Instructors of program sessions with classroom slots can download both a copy of the attendance sheet and an attendance sheet template from the platform.

Download a CSV export of the list of attendants

  1. At the top of the home page, click Classrooms.
  2. At the top left, click bar.svg Statistics.
  3. On the right side of a classroom slot, click eye.svg Go to slot.
  4. At the top right of the table, click EXPORT → Download CSV.

Download completed attendance sheet

This feature requires the Live Solution. Contact your Account Manager to know more.

To download the attendance sheet table:

  1. At the top of the home page, click Classrooms.
  2. At the top left, click bar.svg Statistics.
  3. On the right side of a classroom slot, click eye.svg Go to slot.
  4. At the top right of the table, click ATTENDANCE SHEET.
  5. At the top right of the page, click download.svg DOWNLOAD. 

The downloaded PDF file will show the following info:

  • The name of the training session
  • The date and hour of the training session
  • The name of the trainer
  • The electronic signature of the trainer
  • The IP address of the trainer
  • The name of the trainee
  • The electronic signature of the trainee
  • The IP address of the trainee
  • The date and hour of the check-in

Download attendance sheet template

This is not an export of the attendance table, but rather a printable file that you can use to collect learners’ signatures when running the classroom event.

  1. At the top of the home page, click Classrooms.
  2. At the top left, click bar.svg Statistics.
  3. On the right side of a classroom slot, click eye.svg Go to slot.
  4. At the top right, click MANAGE CHECK-IN.
  5. At the top right of the page, click Download blank attendance sheet (XLS icon).
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