Fill attendance
Instructors of program sessions with classroom slots can mark who attended a specific classroom slot.
- At the top of the homepage, click Classrooms.
- At the top left, click
- On the right side of a classroom slot, click
Go to slot.
- Select users by checking the box in the left column.
- You can select all users by checking the box at the top left, in the table header.
- At the bottom, clickÂ
→ Mark as attended.
You can change the status of a user by clicking  on the right of their line.
Open Learner Check-In
This feature requires the Live Solution. Contact your Account Manager to know more.
Instructors of program sessions with classroom slots can enable their learners to check in on the platform.
- At the top of the home page, click Classrooms.
- At the top left, click
- On the right side of a classroom slot, click
Go to slot.
- At the top right, click MANAGE CHECK-IN.
- You can click CLOSE CHECK-INto disable it again.
When Check-In is open, a code is displayed for instructors to share with their learners.
Learners who click CHECK-IN in the program session homepage will have to enter that code and click CHECK-IN again to validate their presence. Learners can validate their presence on the web application or their mobile application.
Send a Check-In reminder to pending users
This feature requires the Live Solution. Contact your Account Manager to know more.
Session instructors can send an email notification to users who are registered to a classroom slot with open check-in, and who haven’t checked in yet.
To send the link to an individual user:
- At the top of the home page, click Classrooms.
- At the top left, click
- On the right side of a classroom slot, click
Go to slot.
- On the right of the name of a user, click
Send message.
To send the link to several users:
- At the top of the home page, click Classrooms.
- At the top left, click
- On the right side of a classroom slot, click
Go to slot.
- Select users by checking the box in the left column.
- You can select all users by checking the box at the top left, in the table header.
- At the bottom, next to N users selected, click
Send message.
You can also copy the link to the check-in page to your clipboard, by clicking Copy link on the right of the classroom slot code.
Download attendance sheet
Instructors of program sessions with classroom slots can download both a copy of the attendance sheet and an attendance sheet template from the platform.
Download a CSV export of the list of attendants
- At the top of the home page, click Classrooms.
- At the top left, click
- On the right side of a classroom slot, click
Go to slot.
- At the top right of the table, click EXPORT → Download CSV.
Download completed attendance sheet
This feature requires the Live Solution. Contact your Account Manager to know more.
To download the attendance sheet table:
- At the top of the home page, click Classrooms.
- At the top left, click
- On the right side of a classroom slot, click
Go to slot.
- At the top right of the table, click ATTENDANCE SHEET.
- At the top right of the page, click
The downloaded PDF file will show the following info:
- The name of the training session
- The date and hour of the training session
- The name of the trainer
- The electronic signature of the trainer
- The IP address of the trainer
- The name of the trainee
- The electronic signature of the trainee
- The IP address of the trainee
- The date and hour of the check-in
Download attendance sheet template
This is not an export of the attendance table, but rather a printable file that you can use to collect learners’ signatures when running the classroom event.
- At the top of the home page, click Classrooms.
- At the top left, click
- On the right side of a classroom slot, click
Go to slot.
- At the top right, click MANAGE CHECK-IN.
- At the top right of the page, click Download blank attendance sheet (XLS icon).