Download an overview of program templates

  • Updated

You can export an overview of program templates statistics in CSV format.

This export is useful if you want to check the creation date, number of ongoing sessions, aggregated Reaction Score, and details of reactions for the program templates.

For session-specific statistics, see Track session statistics.

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Program templates.
  2. On the top right, click download.svg Download.
  3. When prompted, click DOWNLOAD.

You can filter the status of program templates, by clicking Filter at the top right of the table and selecting Open, Archived, or All.

The downloaded file will display one line per program template, with the following columns:

  • Program Name: title of the program template.
  • Program ID: unique string of characters, identifying the program template.
  • Author: first and last name of the creator of the program template.
  • Ongoing sessions: number of open sessions for the program template, at the time of the download .
  • Status: Open or Archived.
  • Creation date: date and hour when the program template was created (format DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM).
  • Last update: date and hour when the program template was last updated (format DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM).
  • Courses: number of courses in the program template, at the time of the download.
  • Tags: list of tags added to the program template, separated by a |.
  • Reaction Score: average of the Reaction Scores for all courses in the program template.
  • Likes/Learned something/Outdated/Have a question/Useful/Irrelevant: for each column, the sum of reactions for the courses in the program template.
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