Track tags statistics

  • Updated

You can track tags statistics in two ways:

  • Overall statistics for main tags (average score obtained per main tag, and amount of questions and assessments linked to a main tag)
  • Individual tags statistics (performance of a user on a given tag)

(Find out more about main tags.)

Track main tags statistics

You can track the number of main tags on your platform, the average score obtained for each main tag, and the number of questions and assessments in the platform linked to a main tag.

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Tags.

Track individual tags statistics

You can track the performance of a learner on each of the tags that were linked to a question or assessment they encountered.

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Users.
  2. Click on a user.
  3. Scroll to the section Main Tags.

The first chart shows the average score for all questions and assessments the user encountered, on each main tag.

The second chart shows the total number of questions and assessments the user encountered, on each main tag.

The table shows the details, for all tags, of the following items:

  • Training score: the average score per question
  • Assessment score: the average score per assessment
  • Average score: the average of both previous scores

Download individual tags statistics

You can download the table detailing the tags statistics of a learner.

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Users.
  2. Click on a user.
  3. Scroll to the section Main Tags.
  4. On the top right of the table, click download.svg Download.

The downloaded file will display the same columns as the table.

Track group tags statistics

You can track the performance of a group on each of the tags that were linked to a question or assessment it encountered.

  1. In the left sidebar, click on a group.
  2. At the top of the group page, click vector (1).svg Statistics.
  3. At the top, select the Additional details tab.

The dashboard displays the following sections:

  • Average score of questions and assessments by tag: Chart showing the average score obtained by a main tag, on a scale of 0 to 100%. For a given tag, the score is the average between question activities and assessment scores of the questions and assessments tagged with this tag.
    • Hover over any branch of the chart to view the details of each of these scores.
  • Work by tag: Number of answers and assessments per main tag.
    • Hover over the tag to view the score obtained for that tag.
  • Tags: The table shows the details, for all tags, of the following items:
    • Training score: the average score per question.
    • Assessment score: the average score per assessment.
    • Average score: the average of both previous scores.

Download group tags statistics

You can download the table detailing the tags statistics of a group.

  1. In the left sidebar, click on a group.
  2. At the top of the group page, click vector (1).svg Statistics.
  3. At the top, select the Additional details tab.
  4. On the top right of the table, click download.svg Download.

The downloaded file displays the same information as the table.


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