Archive a program template
Archiving a program template prevents the creation of new sessions, but does not delete its contents.
Open sessions linked to the program template remain open.
- At the top of the homepage, click Program templates.
- On the right of the name of a program template, click
Restore a program template
You can restore a program template that you previously archived.
- At the top of the homepage, click Program templates.
- At the top right of the list, click Filter.
- Select Archived.
- On the right of the name of a program template, click
Delete a program template
This is only available for Team or User Packs clients.
Deleting a program template deletes all its contents, and all associated sessions (including statistics). We suggest archiving it instead.
You can only delete a program template that is archived, and has no sessions open (see End a session immediately).
- At the top of the homepage, click Program templates.
- At the top right of the table, click Filter.
- Select Archived.
- Click on the program template to be deleted.
- On the left, in the section Program Template, click Permanently delete.