Track program session statistics

  • Updated

Coaches and administrators can see the statistics of program sessions assigned to their group, or shared in the catalog of their group.

Session instructors can see the statistics of their program sessions.

To track program session statistics on the mobile app, see Track program session statistics on mobile.

View the detailed statistics for a session

You can view the detailed statistics of a program session; per group, per user, or per program block.

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Program Sessions.
  2. Click on a session.

The section General shows the following items:

  • Registrations: number of users currently registered to the program session.
  • Open registrations: number of open registrations from the catalog.
  • Waiting list: number of users in the waiting list.
  • Attendees: number of users who have started the program (including users deleted from the platform).
  • Progress by course.
  • Completed: number of users who finished the session.
  • Median time: median time taken to finish the program session.
  • Average score: average score of the attendees. Displays - if there is no score in the session, or if no attendee has yet reached a course with a question, or an assessment block.
  • Certificates: number of delivered certificates in the session.
  • Score by block: average score per block (course or assessment).
  • Distribution of levels: number of users for every 20 percent score range.

If at least one user has started the session, or if the session is over, the sections Results by group and Individual results are also displayed. 

Results by group (one line per group):

  • Group: name of the group.
  • Users: number of users in the group that are assigned to the session.
  • Attendance: percentage of users who have started the session.
  • Progress: average completion rate of attendants.
  • Score: average score of attendants.
  • Level: hierarchy level of the group (with respect to the platform group).

Individual results (one line per learner):

  • First name: first name of the user.
  • Last name: last name of the user.
  • Progress: completion rate of the user.
  • Score: score of the user.
  • Time spent: amount of time the learner has spent on the session (only time spent in courses in computed).
  • Last activity: date of the learner's last session interaction.

In the section Individual results, users who were assigned to the session, but were unassigned since, are shown in gray.

In the section Detailed results, you can click on a program block to see the details for each of them.

Download the detailed statistics for a session

You can export the statistics of one or several sessions in the CSV format.

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Program Sessions.
  2. Click on a session.
  3. At the top right of the General section:
    • Click DOWNLOAD chevronDown.svg→ Now to export a report with all the available columns without leaving the page. 
    • Click DOWNLOAD chevronDown.svg→ Via email to receive a download link for the file by email. We recommend this option if the direct download takes too much time.
    • Click CREATE REPORT to add filters, modify the report columns, and export the statistics from the custom reports page. For more information about custom reports, see Export platform reports.

The downloaded file will display one line per learner (for all learners who were assigned to the session, even those who have been unassigned since — except if you’ve applied a date filter), with the following available columns:

  • Last name: Last name of the user
  • First name: First name of the user
  • Email: Email of the user
  • User Custom Field: Title of the custom field (one column per custom field, ordered alphabetically). All custom fields are displayed by default, unless filtered in the export popup.
  • Additional information: Contents of the field Additional information in the user profile
  • Managers: Emails of the user’s managers, separated by a comma
  • Deleted user: Date when the user was deleted (the cell is empty if the user is active)
  • Session: Name of the session
  • Session ID: The session ID number
  • Author: Email of the user who created the session. If the user was anonymized, the email is replaced by an anonymized email, with the format (XXX being a random sequence of characters).
  • Program template: Name of the program template used
  • Program template ID: The program template ID number
  • Instructors: emails of users who were added as Instructors to the session
  • Registered user: Indicates with an "x" that the user is assigned to the session
  • Score: The user's most recent score
  • Progress: Completion rate of the user on the session
  • Start: Date and time when the user started the session
    • If the first block of the session is a course, the platform tracks duration from the moment when the user clicks Start on the course’s welcome page
  • End: Date and time of the user's last activity on a session course
  • Verified program: Indicates with an "x" that the user has a 100% completion rate on the session, reached the minimum score on all courses in Examination mode, and passed all assessments
  • Total time spent: Total time spent by the user on all course blocks in the session 
    • If the learner has made multiple attempts on a course, the platform only includes the duration of the most recent attempt
  • Expected duration: Duration defined in the session’s parameters
  • Tags: List of tags added in the session’s parameters
  • Additional program information: Description added in the program template’s settings
  • Additional session information: Description added in the program session’s settings
  • Group (name of the group, one column per group): Indicates with an "x" that the group is assigned to the session and that the user belongs to the group
    • The report only includes a group column for groups that the exporter has coach or administrator permissions for
  • Block title 1: Name of the first course of the session
    • Displayed if at least one learner started the course
  • Block score 1: Score of the learner on the first course of the session
    • Displayed if at least one learner started the course
  • Block time 1: Time spent by the user on the first course of the session
    • Displayed if at least one Learner started the course
  • Block title/score/time X: Identical to the previous three columns, for the next courses
    • The number of blocks corresponds to the completion rate of the learner that is furthest along in the session
  • Classroom Block Title 1: Name of the first Classroom block of the program
  • Classroom Slot Title 1: Name of the first Classroom slot of the session
  • Classroom Slot Attendance 1: Percentage of attendance
  • Classroom Slot Duration 1: Number of hours for the Classroom slot’s reported duration.
  • Classroom Slot Start Date 1: Date and hour of the start of the Classroom slot (with the format YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm).
  • Classroom Slot End Date 1: Date and hour of the end of the Classroom slot (with the format YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm).
  • Classroom Block Title/Slot Title/Slot Attendance/Slot Duration/Slot Start Date/Slot End Date X: Identical to the previous four columns, for the next Classroom slots.

Download the general statistics for all sessions

Users with access to the program sessions dashboard can download a CSV file that lists the information from the program sessions table.

The file will only contain program sessions that the user can view. Check out our Permissions & roles article for more information!

To download the list of program sessions:

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Program Sessions.
  2. At the top right of the table, click Filter, then select In Progress, Finished, or All.
  3. At the top right of the table, click download.svg Download.

The downloaded file displays one line per session, with the following columns:

  • SESSION ID: unique identifier of the session.
  • Name: name of the program session.
  • Start: date and hour of the start of the program session (with the format YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm).
  • End: date and hour of the end of the program session (with the format YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm).
  • Registered: number of registered learners.
  • Completion: number of users who completed the program session.
  • Instructors: number of instructors on the program session.

View and download the statistics for all sessions linked to a program template

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Program Sessions.
  2. On the right of the name of a program template, click bar.svg Results and statistics.

You can download an export by clicking download.svg Download on the top right of the section Individual results. The export interface automatically selects all sessions linked to the program template.

View and download the statistics for all sessions assigned to a group or in the group catalog

  1. In the left sidebar of the homepage, click on a group.
  2. At the top, click vector (1).svg Statistics.
  3. Select the Additional details tab.

The dashboard shows the following elements:

  • Ongoing sessions: Number of ongoing sessions per month. The sessions taken into account are the ones which were in progress at some point during the given month.
  • Blended learning: Distribution between 100% online sessions and sessions with in-person classrooms.
  • Attendance rate (last 12 months): Percentage of users that started a program session.
  • Completion rate (over the last 12 months): Percentage of users that completed a program session.
  • Success rate (last 12 months): Percentage of users who successfully completed a program session.

The table at the bottom of the Programs section shows one line per session, with the following columns:

  • Program session: title of the session.
  • Learners: number of learners in the group assigned to the session.
  • Attendance: number of learners in the group who started the session.
  • Progress: average percentage of completion rate in the session obtained by learners in the group.
  • Score: average score in the session obtained by learners in the group.

You can click on a line to show the details per learner, then by block.

You can download an export by clicking download.svg Download on the top right of the list of program sessions. The export interface will automatically select all program sessions assigned to the group, or in the group catalog.

The downloaded file shows one line per program session. See the breakdown of a session export file.

View and download the collaborative activity for a session

You can view the start date, end date, number of posts in the section Message, and number of comments and reactions in the activities of the session courses.

  1. At the top of the homepage, click chevronRight.svg→ Collaborative activities.
  2. Open the Program Sessions tab.

The table shows one line per session, with the following columns:

  • Name: title of the session.
  • Start: start date of the session.
  • End: end date of the session.
  • Publications: number of posts published in the section Message of the session.
  • Comments: number of comments published in the forum of the courses.
  • Reactions: number of Likes/Learned something/Outdated/Didn’t get it.

You can download an export by clicking download.svg Download on the top right of the list of program sessions. The downloaded file will display the same columns as the table, plus a column with the ID of the program template.

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