At the top right of the homepage, click Search
to open the quick search.
In the quick search, hit ↵ (without entering anything) to open the advanced search.
Quick search
At the top right of the homepage, click Search
to open the quick search.
After entering your search terms, you can open an item by clicking it, or hit ↵ to view more results and access the advanced search page.
We will display a maximum of 10 results, based on their relevancy with your search terms.
The results are grouped by type, in the following order:
- Program sessions
- Paths — unless the catalog is deactivated
- Courses — unless the catalog is deactivated
- Courses activities (cheat sheet, questions, documents, and recordings) — unless the catalog is deactivated
- Learning needs
- Users
- Groups
We do not display program templates or path sessions.
Display rules
We display a maximum of 10 results in the quick search.
By default, results are equally distributed among the different types. The distribution then varies based on the relevancy of the results.
When no search term is entered, the default results are:
- 1 or 2 program session(s), with the furthest end date(s)
- 1 path, selected at random
- 2 courses, with the latest modification date
- 2 course activities, selected at random
- 1 learning need, selected at random
- 1 or 2 users selected at random
- 1 group, with the highest level in the hierarchy
If the platform doesn’t have the catalog activated, courses, course activities, and paths are not displayed.
Advanced search
At the top right of the homepage, click Search
to open the quick search, then hit ↵ (without entering anything) to open the advanced search.
The advanced search shows all the training items (courses, course activities, program sessions, and paths) for a given query, but does not display learning needs, users, or groups.
You can also filter results, and change the sorting criteria.
Use filters
In the left sidebar of the advanced search, you can check boxes to filter the results. On the right of the filter, the number indicates how many elements correspond to that criteria.
We will only display the filter if it corresponds to at least one training item.
The available filters are:
- Type of learning item (courses, program sessions, paths, course activities, program sessions containing a classroom block)
- Tags (including main tags)
- If the training item is a course, it must be shared in the catalog of the group, or be part of a path or program session that is shared in the catalog of the group, or assigned to the group.
- If the training item is a course activity, it must be part of a course that meets one of the criteria just above.
- If the training item is a path, one of its path sessions must be shared in the catalog of the group, or the group must be enrolled in one of its path sessions.
- If the training item is a program session, it must be shared in the catalog of the group, or be assigned to the group.
- Providers
At the bottom of the filters list, click
More filters
to display the language filter. - Filtering on specific languages will show only results that are available in the selected languages.
- The languages of a path or a program session correspond to all the available languages of their courses. If a program session does not contain any course, the language is that of the creator of the session (at the time when they created it).
- See Translate a course.
At the bottom of the filters list, click
Sort by most recent
By default, we will display advanced search results based on their relevance. You can sort them by most recently edited, by clicking on the top right: Sort by
> Most recent
Visibility rules
Platform administrators can see all items in the platform. Other roles will see results based on their permissions:
Program sessions:
- The user must be an instructor of the session, be assigned to the session, or be a member of the group where the program session is shared in its catalog.
- If the program session or its program template has requirements, the user must have completed all requirements (even if they have already finished the session).
- The user must be the main author or a co-author of the path, a member of the owner group of the path, be enrolled in one of its path sessions (individually or through a group), or be a member of the group where one of its path sessions is shared in its catalog.
- The user must be the main author or a co-author of the course, a member of the owner group of the course, the instructor of a program session containing the course, be assigned to a program session containing the course, the main author or co-author of a path containing the course, be enrolled in one of a path session containing the course (individually or through a group), or be a member of the group where one of its path sessions is shared in its catalog.
- If the course has requirements, the user must have completed all requirements (even if they have already finished the course).
- If the course is part of a program template or a program session that has requirements, the user must have completed all requirements (even if they have already finished the session).
Courses activities:
- Same criteria as courses.
Learning needs (quick search only):
- The user must be a member of the group linked to the learning need.
Users (quick search only):
- The connected user must be a member of at least one common group with the searched user.
Groups (quick search only):
- The user must be a member of the group.
Relevancy rules
Below is the list of all searchable fields per type, and their associated score in the relevancy algorithm. Within a type, elements with the highest total score are displayed first.
- Program sessions:
- title: 10 points
- tags: 5 points
- description: 3 points
- title of courses that are part of the program session: 1 point
- Paths:
- title: 15 points
- description: 5 points
- Courses:
- title: 10 points
- tags: 5 points
- description: 3 points
- questions/cheat sheets titles (not document titles): 1 point
- special case for courses: newer courses appear higher than older courses
- Course activities:
- title: 1 point
- Learning needs:
- title: 1 point
- description: 1 point
- Users:
- full name (first name and/or last name): 1 point
- Groups:
- name: 1 point
Additional rules
Accents (é, è, etc.) are taken into account
Searching for an element without the accent will make it appear. Searching for an item with an incorrect accent will return items without the accent.
Underscores prevent indexing
If your search includes underscores (such as "Module_Healthcare_Version1"), it won't be indexed in the search bar.
We suggest replacing underscores with spaces in the title.
Emojis cannot be searched
If you are using emojis in the title of a course/program, make sure to add a blank space between the emoji and the object to improve search capabilities. If the object comes right behind the emoji, it will not show in the results.
Example: 🚀 Roll out your first training program
instead of 🚀Roll out your first training program
Partial search is tolerated
You can use partial words for names/titles, although the search will be faster with full words (like "features" for the course "new features") and slightly slower with partial words (like "fea").
Other fields
For other fields for program sessions and courses, you have to type full words (ex: if the description of the session is "amazing session", if I enter "amazing", the search will prompt the session, but not if I enter "ama").
Searching using activity title will be available only one day after the creation/update of the object (it takes time to compute and we'll do it every day, not "live").
- Results are language-dependent
Results will vary depending on the language of the platform (interface language) and of the training (course).
For example, words like "the" will be ignored in English (to give more weight to more relevant words), but not in French.
Plurals and conjugations are different in all languages and the algorithm adapts to return the most relevant items.
- You cannot navigate with arrows in the search box