Set up multiple accounts via a CSV import

  • Updated

Administrators and user administrators can create or update user accounts in bulk by uploading a CSV file.

Make sure the cells in the CSV file don’t contain punctuation (ex. , or ;), tabs, line breaks, or double spaces. The platform will read that as a new column and shift the information you filled in.

The method to create or update accounts is the same. If the email address of the account does not exist, the account will be created; if it already exists, the account will be updated. Note, however, that only certain fields can be updated. You can find the details for each field in their corresponding section below.

Below are the general steps of the process:

  1. download the CSV template file from the platform;
  2. fill in the file;
  3. copy and paste the contents of the file in the platform interface.

We strongly suggest making tests with a single account before adding several lines to the file.

Download the CSV template file

Using this file allows you to enter the details in a format that can be understood by the platform.

  1. At the top right of the homepage, click CREATE → USER.
  2. In the left sidebar, click Set up multiple users.
  3. On the top right, click DOWNLOAD TEMPLATE.

You can then open the downloaded file.

Fill in the CSV file

  1. Open the CSV file.
  2. On the bottom left, click the sheet Template - Modele.
  3. Delete the first two example lines (or keep them as examples temporarily), on line 11 and 12.

Then, add one new line per user, without deleting any column.

Do not use punctuation (ex. , or ;), tabs, line breaks, or double spaces. The platform will read that as a new column and shift the information you filled in.

If you’re not entering any value in a column, leave it blank — do not delete it.

Mandatory columns

  • Email / Email (column A): email of the user.
  • Role / RĂ´le (column B): 0 (Administrator), 1 (Coach), 2 (Author), 3 (Learner) or 4 (User administrator).

It is not possible to edit the email with the CSV import (because it is our only way of identifying the user). To edit the email, see Edit a user’s profile.

If you are updating managers via CSV import, please refer to our Add a manager article for information.

Optional columns

Group ID / Identifiant groupe (column C)

String of character identifying the group on which the user will have the role defined in column B. If no value is entered, the role will be applied on the platform group.

If you wish to add or edit the role of a user on several groups (or several roles on a single group), add one line per duo role-group.

If you wish to replace the roles of an existing user, select the option Already existing roles will be deleted and replaced by the roles defined in the field above in the platform. Otherwise, the defined roles will be added to the already existing ones.

If you wish to edit other fields than the group or the role of the user, enter a role they already have, on a group they already belong to.

To get the Group ID:

  1. Below the main field of the menu Set up multiple users, click Get the ID of my groups
  2. On the right of the name of a group, click Copy to clipboard (icon in the rightmost column)

(See also Find the ID of a group.)

Last name / Name (column D)

Last name of the user.

This field cannot be edited with the CSV import.

If no value is entered in this column nor in column E (First name) when the user is created, and that the column H (Password / Mot de passe) has no value, the user will have to enter their name when they first connect.

If no value is entered when the user is created, and column H (Password / Mot de passe) has a value, the user will have to add their name from the menu Personal settings. See Edit your own profile.

First name / Prénom (column E)

First name of the user.

This field cannot be edited with the CSV import.

If no value is entered in this column nor in column D (Last name) when the user is created, and that the column H (Password / Mot de passe) has no value, the user will have to enter their name when they first connect.

If no value is entered when the user is created, and column H (Password / Mot de passe) has a value, the user will have to add their name from the menu Personal settings. See Edit your own profile.

Organization / Organisation (column F)

Value of the field Organization in the personal settings of the user.

This field can be seen by users from the same group as the current user, and platform administrators.

Title or Employment / Titre ou Fonction (colonne G)

Value of the field Title / Employment in the personal settings of the user. Do not use punctuation, tabs, line breaks or double spaces. The platform will interpret them as a change of columns, and will shift the columns you filled in.

You can edit this value with the CSV import only if it was previously blank.

This field is displayed below the name of the user, in their posts and profile page.

Password / Mot de passe (column H)

Password of the user. It must contain at least 8 characters.

If a platform admin checked the option Activate password restrictions in the advanced settings of the platform group, the password of a user should meet 3 additional constraints:

  • Contain at least 14 characters;
  • Contain at least 4 types of characters (lowercase, uppercase, number, non-alphanumeric);
  • Be different from their 5 previous passwords.

If no value is entered, check the box Send each new user credentials by email (login and password) in the platform.

This field is used when creating a new account only; the password cannot be changed with the CSV import.

To edit a password, see:

Language / Langue * (column I)

Language of the user profile.

This value must be the bigram of the language. The list of available languages is displayed in the sheet Help - Aide.

This field cannot be edited with the CSV import. If no language is entered, the profile is in English.

See also Change the platform language.

Automatic deletion / Suppression automatique * (column J)

Date when the account will be automatically deleted.

You can edit this value with the CSV only if it was previously blank.

See Add an automatic deletion date on a user.

Additional information / Informations complémentaires (colonne K)

Value of the field Additional information in the profile of a user.

If you wish to replace the value of the fields Additional information and Custom fields in the user profile by the values of the CSV file, click Add additional information and labels if they are empty in the user profile. in the platform. Otherwise, only blank fields will be edited.

Custom Field / Champs Personnalisé (columns L and next)

Values of the custom fields of the user. 

A custom field is an association of a title and a value. Add the title of the custom field in the header of the table (line 9), and the value in the line of the user.

You can assign multiple custom fields to users by adding columns on the right of column L. Note, however, that you can only assign values for custom fields that already exist in the platform; you cannot create new custom field titles with the CSV import.

If you wish to replace the custom fields in the user profile by those of the CSV file, click Custom fields values will be replaced with the new values of the import. If for some users there is no value in the import, the custom field will be deleted from their profile. in the platform. Otherwise, custom field values will be added to the existing list of custom fields, or will be updated if a new value is submitted for a given custom field.

If you wish to replace the value of the fields Additional information and Custom fields in the user profile by the values of the CSV file, click Add additional information and labels if they are empty in the user profile. in the platform. Otherwise, only blank fields will be edited.

Copy and paste the contents of the file in the platform interface

Once your file is ready:

  1. In the file, copy all lines corresponding to accounts to create or update, including the header on line 10.
  2. In the platform (still in the menu Add users>Set up multiple accounts), paste the lines in the main field.
  3. On the bottom, click SET UP USERS.
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