View the old general dashboard

  • Updated

The general dashboard has been redesigned! For more information on the new dashboard, please visit View the general dashboard.

Who can use this feature?

  • Platform administrators and Platform Owners can view the general dashboard.
  • Accessible only on the Web Application.

View the old general dashboard

  1. At the top of the homepage, click All.
  2. At the top left of the homepage, click bar.svg Statistics.
  3. Select the Old General dashboard tab.

The old general dashboard displays two sections:


  • Users: number of users with an active account. Users whose invitations are pending are not counted.
  • Connections: number of times active users have opened courses in play mode, in the past 12 months. If the same user opens a course twice, two connections are counted. This is also the sum of all histogram bars of Connections per month.
  • Connections per month: number of times active users have opened courses in play mode, per month. If the same user opens the same course twice, two connections are counted.
  • Attendees in session: number of participants in at least one session per month. Click Total to toggle the display of a grey bar indicating the number of active users in that month.
  • Total training time: total amount of time spent by all users on programs and courses, per month.
  • Average training time per user: average training time per user for each month, computed over all the platform's users. This is also the Total training time divided by the number of active users, per month.
  • Attendance rate (last 12 months): percentage of users who clicked Start in a session homepage, over the last 12 months.
  • Completion rate (over the last 12 months): percentage of users who reached 100% completion rate in a session, over the last 12 months.
  • Success rate: percentage of users who reached 100% completion rate in a session with no course or Assessment block in examination mode, or passed them, over the last 12 months.
  • Attendance / Completion: attendance and completion rates for the 100 largest sessions available during the last 12 months. The size of the circle is proportional to the number of registered users. Blue circles represent ongoing sessions.


  • Authors: number of users who created at least 1 activity, course or program.
  • Courses: number of courses published since the creation of the platform.
  • Programs: number of program templates published since the creation of the platform (+ the 3 default program templates copied onto any new platform, which cannot be deleted or archived).
  • Ongoing sessions: Number of ongoing sessions per month. The sessions taken into account are the ones which were in progress at some point during the given month.
  • Blended learning: distribution of sessions according to the use of synchronous courses (face-to-face, webinar) or not. Read more about blended learning.
  • Cheat sheets: number of cheat sheets created in the platform.
  • Questions: number of questions created in the platform.
  • Documents: number of documents created in the platform.
  • Type of documents: breakdown of the types of documents used in courses.

Download the general statistics

  1. At the top of the homepage, click All.
  2. At the top left of the homepage, click bar.svg Statistics.
  3. Select the Old General dashboard tab.
  4. At the top right of the Engagement section: 
    • Click DOWNLOAD chevronDown.svg→ Now to export a report with the default columns for general statistics without leaving the page. 
    • Click DOWNLOAD chevronDown.svg→ Via email to receive a download link for the file by email. We recommend this option if the direct download takes too much time.
    • Click CREATE REPORT to add filters, modify the report columns, and export the statistics from the custom reports page. For more information about custom reports, see Export platform reports.

The downloaded file displays one line per learner, with the following columns:

  • Last name: Last name of the user.
  • First name: First name of the user.
  • Email: Email address of the user.
  • Avg score: Average score for the user, computed as the mean average of all scores on courses and assessments.
  • Completed courses: Number of courses in which the user has reached 100% completion rate.
  • Attended classrooms: Number of classrooms where the user has been marked as attended.
  • Completed paths: Number of paths in which the user has reached 100% completion rate.
  • Assigned paths: Number of assigned paths (either individually, or through their group).
  • Completed programs: Number of programs in which the user has reached 100% completion rate.
  • Assigned programs: Number of assigned program sessions (either individually, or through their group).
  • Messages: Number of published posts.
  • Total time spent: Total time spent by the user on all course and classroom blocks.
    If the learner has made multiple attempts on a course within a program session, the platform only includes the duration of the most recent attempt.
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