Translate posts automatically

  • Updated

This feature requires the Globalization Solution. Contact your Customer Success Partner (CSP) to learn more.

This feature is activated on-demand only for now. Contact your Client Success Partner (CSP) if you’re interested.

By default, when this feature is enabled on your platform, all users can see posts from their forums and newsfeeds translated in the language of their profile, in course forums, path forums and group newsfeeds.

They can also see the original message, filter the course forum to show only messages posted in their language, or disable the automatic translation entirely.

See the original message

Any user can see the original version of a message translated in the language of their profile.

  1. Below the message, click Show original.
  2. To show the translated version again, click Show translation.

Show only messages posted in the course language

Any user can filter the forum of a course, to show only the messages posted in the language of the course.

  1. At the top right of a course forum, click Filter.
  2. Enable Only show comments posted in the selected language.

Disable automatic translation

Any user can disable automatic translation of messages, so that they are shown in the language in which they were posted.

  1. Below the message, on the right of Show original, click gear cog.svg Translation settings.
  2. Disable Translate.
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