From the homepage, users can register to their available classroom slots, and open them. If you want to access classroom statistics, see the article Track classroom statistics →
- In the homepage, at the top, click the Classrooms chip.
You can filter by Start date, Slot type or Registration by clicking Filter at the top left of the list.
You can search by classroom slot name (or classroom name, if you’re enrolled in a path session but not registered to any of its classroom slot) by clicking Search at the top right of the list.
My work
The My work section shows all the classrooms or classroom slots from path sessions in which you’re enrolled (regardless of whether you were enrolled by someone else, or self-enrolled).
If you’re registered to a classroom slot in your path session, you can click GO TO SLOT to open the path session page, or click CHECK-IN for fast check-in if it is enabled for the slot and the slot has started.
If you’re not registered to any classroom slot of your path session, you will see the classroom name, with the number of available slots at the bottom. Click SELECT A SLOT to quick-register to a slot, or click GO TO CLASSROOM to open the path session page.
Classrooms and classroom slots are ordered in chronological order of start time, and show only the 20 first results.
This week, Next week, This month and This quarter
The This week section (and the next ones) shows all the classrooms or classroom slots from path sessions available in your catalog.
If you’re registered to a classroom slot in a path session in which you’re enrolled, you can click GO TO SLOT to open the classroom slot, or click CHECK-IN for fast check-in if it is enabled for the slot.
If you’re not registered to any classroom slot of a path session in which you’re enrolled, you will see all the available slots of the path session. Click REGISTER to register to a slot, or click GO TO SLOT to open the path session page.
If a path session is shared in your catalog, and you’re not enrolled in any session of the corresponding path, you will see all the available slots from that path session. Click GO TO PATH in any of those slots to open the path page. You can then enroll in a path session, and register to a classroom slot.