Download comments

  • Updated

Platform admins can download all comments published in a course or a path.

Group admins can download comments made in a course or a path owned by their group.

Download course comments

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Courses.
  2. On the right of a course, click Download comments.

Anatomy of the course comments export

The downloaded file will contain the following columns:

  • Comment Id: unique identifier of the comment (also corresponding to the slug in the direct link to the comment).
  • Comment: actual text of the comment.
  • Author Id: unique identifier of the user who published the comment.
  • Author email: email of the user who published the comment.
  • Root comment Id: if the current comment is an answer to another comment, unique identifier of that comment.
  • Creation date: date and hour when the comment was published (in format YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM).
  • Modification date: date and hour when the comment was modified (in format YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM). If the comment was not modified, it is identical to the creation date.
  • Activity Id: unique identifier of the course activity.
  • Activity type: "questions", "document" or "cheat sheet".
  • Group Id: unique identifier of the group in which the comment was published.
  • Group name: name of the group in which the comment was published.

Download path comments

Downloading path comments includes comments from the path forum, and comments published in the forum of a course when the user who wrote the comment played the course in the context of the path sessions. This also includes comments from programs that were migrated into paths.

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Paths.
  2. On the right of a path, click 3Dots.svgDownload comments.

Note that we do not include course comments that were published in the context of a path before March 15th, 2023 (which is the date of the release when we introduced the concept of "path session context"; all comments published before that date are not linked to any specific path session). Comments published before March 15th, in the context of a program session, and that were migrated to a path session, are included.

Anatomy of the path comments export

The downloaded file will contain the following columns:

  • Comment Id: unique identifier of the comment (also corresponding to the slug in the direct link to the comment).
  • Comment: actual text of the comment.
  • Author Id: unique identifier of the user who published the comment.
  • Author email: email of the user who published the comment.
  • Root comment Id: if the current comment is an answer to another comment, unique identifier of that comment.
  • Creation date: date and hour when the comment was published (in format YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM).
  • Modification date: date and hour when the comment was modified (in format YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM). If the comment was not modified, it is identical to the creation date.
  • Activity Id: unique identifier of the course activity.
  • Activity type: "questions", "document" or "cheat sheet".
  • Course Id: unique identifier of the course.
  • Course Name: name of the course in which the comment was published.
  • Group Id: unique identifier of the group in which the comment was published.
  • Group name: name of the group in which the comment was published.
  • Path session ID: unique identifier of the path in which the comment was published.
  • Path session: name of the path session in which the comment was published.
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