Synchronize content from Udemy

  • Updated

The Udemy connector synchronizes the following:

  • Udemy courses as 360Learning courses.
  • Udemy public learning paths as 360Learning courses.
  • Udemy categories as tags in 360Learning.
  • Learners' statistics for Udemy courses into 360Learning.

The connector is deployed in a given group of your 360Learning platform. This target group can be the platform group or any other group. If the target group has public children groups, learners in public subgroups can access the content in the catalog of the target group. 

Udemy integration overview

Content synchronization

Every day, at 7:30 AM Central European Time (UTC+1), the Udemy connector is launched to synchronize the following:

  • Udemy courses available to your organization.
  • Optional: Udemy public learning paths available to your organization.

Synchronized Udemy content can be searched, filtered, and added to program sessions, paths, group catalog, and libraries in the 360Learning platform. Udemy content is played directly on Udemy. Udemy is responsible for granting or refusing access to the content to users.

Udemy courses synchronization

Udemy courses are synchronized into 360Learning as courses. All Udemy courses are added by default to the synchronized group catalog and library.

The following table shows how course metadata from Udemy is mapped to 360Learning course metadata.

Udemy course 360Learning course Comments
id externalId  
title title & name The original title can't be modified.
description description  The original description can't be modified.
image image  
estimated_content_length courseDuration Converted in minutes.
instructors authors  
locale.locale lang If no language, the language of the owner of the connector in 360Learning is used.
categories tagNames Only if Enable tags synchronization is selected when setting up the integration.
promo_video_url videoUrl The connector fetches the highest quality video URL available.

Udemy learning paths synchronization

Udemy public learning paths are synchronized into 360Learning as courses with the [Learning Path] prefix. The content of Udemy learning paths is added to the 360Learning course description as links. 

You can only synchronize public Udemy learning paths through the Udemy API.

The following table shows how learning paths metadata from Udemy is mapped to 360Learning courses metadata.

Udemy Learning path Udemy course Comments
id externalId  
title title The original title can't be modified.
description description The original description can't be modified.
thumbnail URL of the image  
last_modified modifiedAt Last date/time the content has been updated.
"en" per default, because no language returned. lang  
editors.display_name authors  
estimated_content_length duration course duration in minutes

Playing Udemy content on the 360Learning platform

In the 360Learning platform, when learners click START on the course homepage, they are redirected to the Udemy platform. From there, they can play the course if they have the required permissions.

When Udemy content is part of a program or path in the 360Learning platform, launching the content redirects the learning in Udemy and will instantly allow the learner to start the next program block or path step, regardless of what is being done on Udemy or the external website.

Tags synchronization

If you enable the tags synchronization, the Udemy connector adds Udemy course categories as tags to the synchronized courses in 360Learning. These tags can then be used like any other tag in the 360Learning platform.

Statistics synchronization for Udemy courses

Every day, at 7:45 AM Central European Time (UTC+1), the Udemy connector is launched to synchronize learners' statistics for Udemy courses.

Statistics for Udemy learning paths are not available in 360Learning.

For each course, the following statistics are retrieved:

  • The user progress (from 0 to 100%): column Progress in the course dashboard in 360Learning.
  • The date and time when the course was completed: column Last activity in the course dashboard in 360Learning.
  • The minutes of video content the user has consumed: column Time spent in the course dashboard, applied only to the first recorded attempt.

When a learner launches a course from 360Learning, the course is marked as “completed”, and the progress is set to “0%”. The connector updates the statistics at the next daily synchronization.

For Udemy statistics to be synchronized with your 360Learning platform, users must use the same email address on both Udemy and 360Learning.

The following table shows how Udemy resource activity fields are mapped to 360Learning course statistics.

Udemy statistic 360Learning statistic Comments
course_id externalCourseId  
user_email learnerMail  
course_start_date or course_enroll_date firstActivity If course_start_date is not defined, then we use the course_enroll_date.
course_last_accessed_date lastActivity  
course_completion_date completedAt  
completion_ratio progress  
num_video_consumed_minutes timeSpentInMilliseconds The connector converts num_video_consumed_min to milliseconds by multiplying by 60 * 1000.

Set up the Udemy integration

To set up the Udemy integration:

Optional: You can also synchronize the following with the Udemy connector:

Step 1: Get your API credentials in Udemy Business

  1. Enable the API in your Udemy Business platform. For more information, see How to enable and find your API credentials in Udemy Business. 
  2. Collect the following information:

For more information, see How to find your API credentials in Udemy Business.

Step 2: Request the activation of the Udemy connector

Email your Solution Architect (SA) or your Customer Success Partner(CSP), asking for the activation of the Udemy connector, with the following information:

  • Integration name: Udemy
  • Target group ID (see Find the ID of a group): The Udemy content will be added to the catalog of this synchronized group. If you choose the platform group, all users in public groups can see the content. You can create a private group for this synchronization.

Step 3: Synchronize Udemy courses

Once you receive confirmation that the Udemy connector is enabled in your 360Learning platform, you can enter the credentials you gathered in step 1:

  1. In the left sidebar, click on the group where the connector is enabled.
  2. On the top right, click gear.svg Settings.
  3. In the left sidebar, click Integrations.
  4. Click on Udemy (it should be Inactive).
  5. Complete the integration form using the API credentials you gathered in Step 1.
  6. On the bottom right, click SETUP INTEGRATION.

You can deactivate the integration by clicking DEACTIVATE on the bottom right.

If a learner starts a course externally (without attempting in 360Learning) and does not finish it before the next connector synchronization, then an "opened attempt" is created on 360learning. This attempt will be closed when the learner has finished the external course and the next connector synchronization has run.

Synchronize Udemy categories as tags

  1. In the left sidebar, click on the group where the connector is activated.
  2. On the top right, click gear.svg Settings.
  3. In the left sidebar, click Integrations → Udemy.
  4. Check the box Enable tags synchronization.

You can disable the tags synchronization by clearing the Enable tags synchronization check box. Tags that were previously created won't be deleted from 360Learning or removed from courses.

Synchronize Udemy public learning paths

  1. In the left sidebar, click on the group where the connector is activated.
  2. On the top right, click gear.svg Settings.
  3. In the left sidebar, click Integrations → Udemy.
  4. Check the box Enable learning paths synchronization.

You can disable the learning paths synchronization by clearing the Enable learning paths synchronization check box. 

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