Platform admins, group admins, coaches, authors, and managers can export a variety of reports from the export interface. This article describes the different custom report types as well as the available columns and filters available for each type.
General stats reports
The general stats report shows in particular the average score of the user, as well as the number of completed and assigned programs, the number of published posts, and the groups to which they belong.
Each row of this report corresponds to one user.
Available columns for General stats reports
Column title | Default | Description |
Assigned programs | ✅ | Number of assigned program sessions (either individually, or through their group). |
Avg score | ✅ | Average score for the user, computed as the mean average of all scores on courses and assessments. |
Completed courses | ✅ | Number of courses in which the user has reached 100% completion rate. |
Completed paths | ✅ | Number of paths in which the user has reached 100% completion rate. |
Completed programs | ✅ | Number of programs in which the user has reached 100% completion rate. |
✅ | Email address of the user. | |
First name | ✅ | First name of the user. |
Last name | ✅ | Last name of the user. |
Messages | ✅ | Number of published posts. |
Total time spent | ✅ | Total time spent by the user on all course and classroom blocks. If the learner has made multiple attempts on a course within a program session, the platform only includes the duration of the most recent attempt. |
Account creation date | Creation date of the user account, in the format YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm . |
Additional information | Contents of the field Additional information in the user profile. | |
Automatic deletion date | If an automatic deletion date is set to the user, this columns contains the date when the user account is scheduled for deletion, in the format YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm . |
External id (External id - XXX", where XXX is the platform name) |
Value of the External ID of the user if there is one.
If no value is given by the Identity Provider (IdP), this cell is empty. |
Groups of the user, 1 column per group (Group name) |
Indicates with an "x" that the user belongs to the group. The report only includes a group column for groups that the exporter has coach or admin permissions for. |
Managers | Emails of the user's managers, separated by a comma. | |
First activity date | Date when the user first opened a course, in the format YYYY/MM/DD. | |
Last activity date | Date when the user last opened a course, in the format YYYY/MM/DD. | |
Title / Employment | Contents of the field Title / Employment in the user profile. | |
User ID | Unique identifier for the user. | |
User’s groups - separated by comma | List of the name of groups to which the learner belongs, separated by a comma. |
Available filters for General stats reports
Filter Type | Description | Additional Filters |
Date filters | When using a static date range, the export will only include data between the selected dates and times. When using a dynamic date range, the export will automatically update to include data from a selected time frame relative to the current date, such as the last seven days. |
- |
Groups selection | Limits the exported data to only users belonging to the selected group. If no group is selected, the report will contain data for all groups that the exporter can view the data of. |
- |
Sessions filter (Programs) |
The export will only include data from the selected program sessions. |
Sessions filters (Paths) |
The export will include data only for the content played in the context of the selected path sessions. |
Users selection |
Limits the exported data to include only the users you specifically select. When you filter by users, you are choosing a fixed list of users that does not change once the report is saved or automated. If no user is selected, the report will contain data for all users that the exporter can view the data of. Note: This method is appropriate for one-time reports. If you anticipate automatic updates, for example if you create an audience to enroll learners in a path session, we recommend using other filters, such as the Groups filter. |
OPCO logs reports
OPCO statistics track the connection duration of users on path and program sessions. The downloaded file shows one line per user per connection.
Available columns for OPCO logs reports
Column title | Default | Description |
Classroom slot title | ✅ | Title of the classroom slot. |
Connected | ✅ | Date and hour when the user connected to the course, in the format YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm . |
Course | ✅ | Name of the course. |
Disconnected | ✅ | Date and hour when the user left the course, or completed it, in the format YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm . |
✅ | Email address of the user. | |
First name | ✅ | First name of the user. |
Last name | ✅ | Last name of the user. |
Path | ✅ | Name of the path. Displays - if the session is a program session. |
Path session | ✅ | Name of the path session. Displays - if the session is a program session. |
Program session | ✅ | Name of the program session. Displays - if the session is a path session. |
Program template | ✅ | Name of the program template. Displays - if the session is a path session. |
Time spent | ✅ |
Difference in hours between the time the user connected to and disconnected from the course, in the format If available, this is calculated using the reported attendance duration from Zoom/Microsoft Teams. If Zoom/Teams data is not available, this is a cumulative sum of time spent on all steps. |
Account creation date | Creation date of the user account, in the format YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm . |
Additional information | Contents of the field Additional information in the user profile. | |
Automatic deletion date | If an automatic deletion date is set to the user, this columns contains the date when the user account is scheduled for deletion, in the format YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm . |
Classroom slot end date | Date and hour of the end of the classroom slot, in the format YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm . |
Classroom slot start date | Date and hour of the start of the classroom slot, in the format YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm . |
External id (External id - XXX", where XXX is the platform name) |
Value of the External ID of the user if there is one. The report includes one column per platform. |
Groups of the user, 1 column per group (Group name) |
Indicates with an "x" that the user belongs to the group. The report only includes a group column for groups that the exporter has coach or admin permissions for. |
Managers | Emails of the user's managers, separated by a comma. | |
Path ID | Unique identifier for the path. Displays - if the session is a program session. | |
Path session ID | Unique identifier for the path session. Displays - if the session is a program session. | |
Program session custom fields | Contents of the field Additional session information in the advanced options of the session. Displays - if the session is a path session. | |
Program session ID | Unique identifier for the Program session. Displays - if the session is a path session. | |
Program template ID | Unique identifier for the program template. Displays - if the session is a path session. | |
Progression |
Percentage of course completion after the learner logs out of the path or program session.
- when a learner connects to a session but doesn't answer any activity. |
Title / Employment | Contents of the field Title / Employment in the user profile. | |
User Custom Fields | Title of the custom fields (one column per custom field, ordered alphabetically). All custom fields are displayed by default, unless filtered in the report settings. | |
User ID | Unique identifier for the user. | |
User’s groups - separated by comma | List of the name of groups to which the learner belongs, separated by a comma. | |
Estimated training duration | Estimated time for the course (in HH:MM:ss format). | |
Time progression |
Cumulated time spent on the course, up to the attempt described in the row (in other words: the sum of the time spent for all past attempts). |
Available filters for OPCO logs reports
Filter Type | Description | Additional Filters |
Date filters | When using a static date range, the export will only include data between the selected dates and times. When using a dynamic date range, the export will automatically update to include data from the selected time frame relative to the current date, such as the last seven days. |
- |
Enrollment type | Limits the exported data by Self enrollment or Assigned trainings. By default, the report selects All enrollment types. |
Groups selection | Limits the exported data to only users belonging to the selected group. If no group is selected, the report will contain data for all groups that the exporter can view the data of. |
- |
Sessions filter (Programs) |
The export will only include data from the selected program sessions. |
Sessions filters (Paths) |
The export will include data only for the content played in the context of the selected path sessions. |
Users selection |
Limits the exported data to include only the users you specifically select. When you filter by users, you are choosing a fixed list of users that does not change once the report is saved or automated. If no user is selected, the report will contain data for all users that the exporter can view the data of. Note: This method is appropriate for one-time reports. If you anticipate automatic updates, for example if you create an audience to enroll learners in a path session, we recommend using other filters, such as the Groups filter. |
Paths reports
Platform admins, group admins, coaches and authors of the path’s owner group, the main author and co-authors of the path, and the instructors of a path session can view and download the statistics of all sessions of a path (within bounds of group visibility rules).
Available columns for Paths reports
Column title | Default | Description |
Due date | ✅ | Due date of the step with the latest date, in the format YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm . |
✅ | Email address of the user. | |
First name | ✅ | First name of the user. |
Last name | ✅ | Last name of the user. |
Learner completion date | ✅ | Date and time when the learner completed the path (if applicable) in the format YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm . |
Learner enrollment date | ✅ | Date and time when the user was enrolled in the path session, in the format YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm . |
Learner status | ✅ |
Path title | ✅ | Name of the path. |
Progress | ✅ | Percentage (in integer number) of the completion rate of the learner in the path. |
Score | ✅ | Average of the score of all steps in the path, including classrooms (a step has a score if it is a course with at least one question). |
Self enrollment | ✅ | Indicates with an "x" if the learner was self-enrolled in the path session. |
Session name | ✅ | Title of the path session. |
Time spent | ✅ |
Time spent by the learner on steps within the path, in the format If available, this is calculated using the reported attendance duration from Zoom/Microsoft Teams. If Zoom/Teams data is not available, this is a cumulative sum of time spent on all steps within the path. |
Account creation date | Creation date of the user account, in the format YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm . |
Additional information | Contents of the field Additional information in the user profile. | |
Additional path information | Contents of the field Additional path information in the advanced settings of the path. | |
Additional path session information | Contents of the field Additional session information in the advanced settings of the path. | |
Author | Email of the path author. | |
Automatic deletion date | If an automatic deletion date is set to the user, this columns contains the date when the user account is scheduled for deletion, in the format YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm . |
Certificate delivered |
Certificate expiry date | Expiry date of the certificate. | |
Co-authors | List of path co-authors. | |
Detail per classroom slot | Various columns for each classroom slot | |
Details per step | Columns for each step included in the path:
Enrollment status |
Indicates if a user is actively enrolled in a path session or not. If a user was enrolled in a path session in the past, but they were unenrolled from the path session, that user will display in the path sessions report. In this example, the user is not actively enrolled in the path session, so this column would show as Unenrolled. |
Estimated duration |
Value of the field Estimated duration in the path settings (under the Build your training section) converted to absolute time, in the format
External id (External id - XXX", where XXX is the platform name) |
Value of the External ID of the user if there is one. The report includes one column per platform. |
Groups of the user, 1 column per group (Group name) |
Indicates with an "x" that the user belongs to the group. The report only includes a group column for groups that the exporter has coach or admin permissions for. |
Learner deletion date | Date when the user was deleted (the cell is empty if the user is active). | |
Learner start date |
Date and time of the first action taken by the learner on the platform in the context of the path, in the format This column remains empty:
Linear |
Managers | Emails of the user's managers, separated by a comma. | |
Managers | Emails of the user's managers, separated by a comma. | |
Path ID | Unique identifier for the path. | |
Session end date | Date and time when the path session ends, if there is one, in the format YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm . |
Session ID | Unique identifier for the path session. | |
Session instructors | List of emails of instructors for the path session, separated by a comma. | |
Session start date | Date and time when the path session starts, in the format YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm . |
Tags | List of tags added to the path session. | |
Step # progress | Completion rate of the learner in the step. Classrooms and assessments will have only 0 or 100% This column is added to the report when Details per step is selected. |
Step # score | Score for the step. Empty for classrooms and assessments. This column is added to the report when Details per step is selected. |
Step # status |
Step # time spent |
Time spent by the learner on the step, in the This is calculated using the reported attendance duration from Zoom/Microsoft Teams.
Step # title | Title of the step. This column is added to the report when Details per step is selected. |
Step # type | Type of the step:
Title / Employment | Contents of the field Title / Employment in the user profile. | |
User Custom Field | Title of the custom field (one column per custom field, ordered alphabetically). All custom fields are displayed by default, unless filtered in the report settings. | |
User ID | Unique identifier for the user. | |
User’s groups - separated by comma | List of the name of groups to which the learner belongs, separated by a comma. |
Available filters for Paths reports
Filter Type | Description | Additional Filters |
Date filters |
You can filter by:
When using a static date range, the export will only include data between the selected dates and times. |
- |
Enrollment type | Limits the exported data by Self enrollment or Assigned trainings. By default, the report selects All enrollment types. |
Groups selection | Limits the exported data to only users belonging to the selected group. If no group is selected, the report will contain data for all groups that the exporter can view the data of. |
- |
Sessions filters (Paths) |
The export will include data only for the content that is part of the selected path sessions. If a session does not require mandatory replay, it will also include statistics for content played outside of the selected path sessions. This could involve courses accessed directly from the catalog or those completed within the context of other path sessions with the same courses as the selected ones. |
Users selection |
Limits the exported data to include only the users you specifically select. When you filter by users, you are choosing a fixed list of users that does not change once the report is saved or automated. If no user is selected, the report will contain data for all users that the exporter can view the data of. Note: This method is appropriate for one-time reports. If you anticipate automatic updates, for example if you create an audience to enroll learners in a path session, we recommend using other filters, such as the Groups filter. |
Program sessions reports
Available columns for Program sessions reports
Column title | Default | Description |
✅ | Email address of the user. | |
End | ✅ | Date and time of the user's last activity on a session course |
First name | ✅ | First name of the user. |
Last name | ✅ | Last name of the user. |
Program Session | ✅ | Title of the program session. |
Program template | ✅ | Name of the program template. |
Progress | ✅ | Completion rate of the user on the session. |
Score | ✅ | The user's most recent score. |
Start | ✅ | Date and time when the user started the session. If the first block of the session is a course, the platform tracks duration from the moment when the user clicks Start on the course’s welcome page. |
Time spent | ✅ | Total time spent by the user on all course blocks in the session. If the learner has made multiple attempts on a course, the platform only includes the duration of the most recent attempt. |
Account creation date | Creation date of the user account, in the format YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm . |
Additional information | Contents of the field Additional information in the user profile. | |
Additional program information | Description added in the program template’s settings. | |
Additional program session information | Description added in the program session’s settings. | |
Author | Email of the user who created the session. If the user was anonymized , the email is replaced by an anonymized email, in the format (XXX being a random sequence of characters). | |
Automatic deletion date | If an automatic deletion date is set to the user, this columns contains the date when the user account is scheduled for deletion, in the format YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm . |
Detail per block (title, time, score) |
Detail per classroom slot | Various columns for each classroom slot. | |
Expected duration | Duration defined in the session’s parameters. | |
External id (External id - XXX", where XXX is the platform name) |
Value of the External ID of the user if there is one. The report includes one column per platform. |
Groups of the user, 1 column per group (Group name) |
Indicates with an "x" that the user belongs to the group. The report only includes a group column for groups that the exporter has coach or admin permissions for. |
Instructors | Emails of users who were added as Instructors to the session. | |
Learner deletion date | Date when the user was deleted (the cell is empty if the user is active). | |
Managers | Emails of the user's managers, separated by a comma. | |
Program session custom fields | Contents of the field Additional session information in the advanced options of the session. | |
Program session ID | Unique identifier for the Program session. Displays - if the session is a path session. | |
Program template ID | Unique identifier for the program template. | |
Registered user | Indicates with an "x" that the user is assigned to the session. If the cell is empty, someone unassigned the user from the session | |
Tags | List of tags added to the program session. | |
Title / Employment | Contents of the field Title / Employment in the user profile. | |
User Custom Field | Title of the custom field (one column per custom field, ordered alphabetically). All custom fields are displayed by default, unless filtered in the report settings. | |
User ID | Unique identifier for the user. | |
User’s groups - separated by comma | List of the name of groups to which the learner belongs, separated by a comma. | |
Verified program | Indicates with an "x" that the user has a 100% completion rate on the session, reached the minimum score on all courses in Examination mode, and passed all assessments. |
Available filters for Program sessions reports
Filter Type | Description | Additional Filters |
Date filters | When using a static date range, the export will only include data between the selected dates and times. When using a dynamic date range, the export will automatically update to include data from a selected time frame relative to the current date, such as the last seven days. |
- |
Enrollment type | Limits the exported data by Self enrollment or Assigned trainings. By default, the report selects All enrollment types. |
Groups selection | Limits the exported data to only users belonging to the selected group. If no group is selected, the report will contain data for all groups that the exporter can view the data of. |
- |
Sessions filter (Programs) |
The export will only include data from the selected program sessions. |
Users selection |
Limits the exported data to include only the users you specifically select. When you filter by users, you are choosing a fixed list of users that does not change once the report is saved or automated. If no user is selected, the report will contain data for all users that the exporter can view the data of. Note: This method is appropriate for one-time reports. If you anticipate automatic updates, for example if you create an audience to enroll learners in a path session, we recommend using other filters, such as the Groups filter. |
Courses reports
You can download the statistics of several courses. The downloaded file will display one line per learner per course attempt (if a learner attempted a course twice, there will be two lines in the file).
Available columns for Courses reports
Column title | Default | Description |
Assigned programs | ✅ | Number of assigned program sessions (either individually, or through their group). |
Course | ✅ | Name of the course. |
✅ | Email address of the user. | |
End | ✅ | Date and hour of the end of the attempt by the learner, in the format YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm . |
First name | ✅ | First name of the user. |
Last name | ✅ | Last name of the user. |
Messages | ✅ | Number of published posts. |
Path Session | ✅ | Title of the path session, if the course was played as part of a path session (otherwise -). |
Program Session | ✅ | Title of the program session, if the course was played as part of a program session (otherwise -). |
Progress | ✅ | Completion rate of the learner on the attempt. |
Score | ✅ | Score of the learner on the attempt. |
Start | ✅ | Date and hour of the start of the attempt by the learner, in the format YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm . |
Total time spent | ✅ | time spent by the learner on the attempt. |
Account creation date | Creation date of the user account, in the format YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm . |
Additional information | Contents of the field Additional information in the user profile. | |
Automatic deletion date | If an automatic deletion date is set to the user, this columns contains the date when the user account is scheduled for deletion, in the format YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm . |
Course ID | Unique identifier for the course. | |
Expected duration | Value of the field Estimated duration, defined in the course settings. | |
External id (External id - XXX", where XXX is the platform name) |
Value of the External ID of the user if there is one. The report includes one column per platform. |
Groups of the user, 1 column per group (Group name) |
Indicates with an "x" that the user belongs to the group. The report only includes a group column for groups that the exporter has coach or admin permissions for. |
Language | Language in which the user played the course. | |
Managers | Emails of the user's managers, separated by a comma. | |
Path | Name of the path, if the course was played as part of a path (otherwise -). | |
Path ID | Unique identifier for the path, if the course was played as part of a path (otherwise -). | |
Path session ID | Unique identifier for the path session, if the course was played as part of a path (otherwise -). | |
Program session custom fields | Contents of the field Additional session information in the advanced options of the session, if the course was played as part of a program (otherwise -). | |
Program session ID | Unique identifier for the Program session, if the course was played as part of a program (otherwise -). | |
Program template | Name of the program template, if the course was played as part of a program (otherwise -). | |
Program template ID | Unique identifier for the program template, if the course was played as part of a program (otherwise -). | |
Result |
Result of the course, with the following possible values:
The column remains empty when the result is undefined due to:
Tags | List of tags added to the course. | |
Text description | Summary of presentation in plain text format. If the summary is longer than the maximum number of characters allowed by Excel, the text is truncated at the character limit of 32 767 characters. | |
Title / Employment | Contents of the field Title / Employment in the user profile. | |
User Custom Field | Title of the custom field (one column per custom field, ordered alphabetically). All custom fields are displayed by default, unless filtered in the report settings. | |
User ID | Unique identifier for the user. | |
User’s groups - separated by comma | List of the name of groups to which the learner belongs, separated by a comma. |
Available filters for Courses reports
Filter Type | Description | Additional Filters |
Courses filter | The export will only include user activities that happened in the selected courses. |
Date filters | When using a static date range, the export will only include data between the selected dates and times. When using a dynamic date range, the export will automatically update to include data from a selected time frame relative to the current date, such as the last seven days. |
- |
Enrollment type | Limits the exported data by Self enrollment or Assigned trainings. By default, the report selects All enrollment types. |
Groups selection | Limits the exported data to only users belonging to the selected group. If no group is selected, the report will contain data for all groups that the exporter can view the data of. |
- |
Sessions filter (Programs) |
The export will only include data from the selected program sessions. |
Sessions filters (Paths) |
The export will include data only for the content played in the context of the selected path sessions. |
Users selection |
Limits the exported data to include only the users you specifically select. When you filter by users, you are choosing a fixed list of users that does not change once the report is saved or automated. If no user is selected, the report will contain data for all users that the exporter can view the data of. Note: This method is appropriate for one-time reports. If you anticipate automatic updates, for example if you create an audience to enroll learners in a path session, we recommend using other filters, such as the Groups filter. |
Classrooms reports
Available columns for Classroom reports
Column title | Default | Description |
Block title | ✅ | Title of the classroom block. |
✅ | Email address of the user. | |
End | ✅ | Date and hour of the end of the classroom slot, in the format YYYY/MM/DD
HH:mm . |
First name | ✅ | First name of the user. |
Last name | ✅ | Last name of the user. |
Reported duration | ✅ | Number of hours (as integer) for the reported duration of the classroom slot. |
Slot title | ✅ | Title of the classroom slot. |
Start | ✅ | Date and hour of the start of the classroom slot, in the format YYYY/MM/DD
HH:mm . |
Status | ✅ |
Type | ✅ | |
Account creation date | Creation date of the user account, in the format YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm . |
Automatic deletion date | If an automatic deletion date is set to the user, this columns contains the date when the user account is scheduled for deletion, in the format YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm . |
External id (External id - XXX", where XXX is the platform name) |
Value of the External ID of the user if there is one. The report includes one column per platform. |
Groups of the user, 1 column per group (Group name) |
Indicates with an "x" that the user belongs to the group. The report only includes a group column for groups that the exporter has coach or admin permissions for. |
Session ID | Unique identifier for the program session to which the classroom slot belongs. | |
Slot ID | Unique identifier for the classroom slot. | |
Title / Employment | Contents of the field Title / Employment in the user profile. | |
Trainers | Email addresses of the classroom trainers at the time of the report generation, separated by a comma. The report includes the email addresses of the trainers deleted from the platform if they have not been previously deleted from the classroom. |
User Custom Field | Title of the custom field (one column per custom field, ordered alphabetically). All custom fields are displayed by default, unless filtered in the report settings. | |
User ID | Unique identifier for the user. | |
User’s groups - separated by comma | List of the name of groups to which the learner belongs, separated by a comma. |
Available filters for Classrooms reports
Filter Type | Description | Additional Filters |
Classrooms filter | The export will only include user activities that happened in the selected classrooms. |
Date filters | When using a static date range, the export will only include data between the selected dates and times. When using a dynamic date range, the export will automatically update to include data from a selected time frame relative to the current date, such as the last seven days. |
- |
Groups selection | Limits the exported data to only users belonging to the selected group. If no group is selected, the report will contain data for all groups that the exporter can view the data of. |
- |
Users selection |
Limits the exported data to include only the users you specifically select. When you filter by users, you are choosing a fixed list of users that does not change once the report is saved or automated. If no user is selected, the report will contain data for all users that the exporter can view the data of. Note: This method is appropriate for one-time reports. If you anticipate automatic updates, for example if you create an audience to enroll learners in a path session, we recommend using other filters, such as the Groups filter. |
Questions reports
Available columns for Questions reports
Column title | Default | Description |
Answer | ✅ | Details of the answer of the Learner (except for question types: Open-ended with Document, Video pitch, Screencast demo and Pick-a-point). |
Answered at | ✅ | Date and time when the question was answered, in the format YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm . |
Course | ✅ | Name of the course containing the question. |
✅ | Email address of the user. | |
First name | ✅ | First name of the user. |
Last name | ✅ | Last name of the user. |
Path session | ✅ | Name of the path session (- if the question wasn't answered in the context of a path session). |
Program session | ✅ | Name of the program session (- if the question wasn’t answered in the context of a program session, or if the answer was made in a course attempt that did not reach the minimum score in a program session). |
Question | ✅ | Title of the question. |
Score | ✅ |
Account creation date | Creation date of the user account, in the format YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm . |
Additional information | Contents of the field Additional information in the user profile. | |
Automatic deletion date | If an automatic deletion date is set to the user, this columns contains the date when the user account is scheduled for deletion, in the format YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm . |
Criterion | If the question is open-ended and has assessment criteria, title of the criterion, one column per criterion: rating from 0 to 5 on the criterion. | |
Didn’t get it | Number of users who clicked I HAVE A QUESTION in the question. | |
External id (External id - XXX", where XXX is the platform name) |
Value of the External ID of the user if there is one. The report includes one column per platform. |
Groups of the user, 1 column per group (Group name) |
Indicates with an "x" that the user belongs to the group. The report only includes a group column for groups that the exporter has coach or admin permissions for. |
Learned something | Number of users who clicked I LEARNED SOMETHING in the question. | |
Likes | Number of users who clicked I LIKED IT in the question. | |
Managers | Emails of the user's managers, separated by a comma. | |
Outdated | Number of users who clicked THIS IS OUTDATED in the question. | |
Path | Name of the path. (- if the question wasn’t answered in the context of a path). | |
Path ID | Unique identifier for the path. (- if the question wasn’t answered in the context of a path). | |
Path session ID | Unique identifier for the path session. (- if the question wasn’t answered in the context of a path session). | |
Program session custom fields | Contents of the field Additional session information in the advanced options of the program session (- if the question wasn’t answered in the context of a program session, or if the answer was made in a course attempt that did not reach the minimum score in a program session). | |
Program session ID | Unique identifier for the program session. (- if the question wasn’t answered in the context of a program session, or if the answer was made in a course attempt that did not reach the minimum score in a program session). | |
Program template | Name of the program template (- if the question wasn’t answered in the context of a program session, or if the answer was made in a course attempt that did not reach the minimum score in a program session). | |
Program template ID | Unique identifier of the program template corresponding to the session, as a string of characters (- if the question wasn’t answered in the context of a program session, or if the answer was made in a course attempt that did not reach the minimum score in a program session). | |
Tags | List of the tags linked to the question. | |
Title / Employment | Contents of the field Title / Employment in the user profile. | |
User Custom Field | Title of the custom field (one column per custom field, ordered alphabetically). All custom fields are displayed by default, unless filtered in the report settings. | |
User ID | Unique identifier for the user. |
Available filters for Questions reports
Filter Type | Description | Additional Filters |
Date filters | When using a static date range, the export will only include data between the selected dates and times. When using a dynamic date range, the export will automatically update to include data from a selected time frame relative to the current date, such as the last seven days. |
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Groups selection | Limits the exported data to only users belonging to the selected group. If no group is selected, the report will contain data for all groups that the exporter can view the data of. |
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Questions filter | The export will only include data from the selected questions. |
Sessions filter (Paths) |
The export will include data only for the content played in the context of the selected path sessions. |
Sessions filter (Programs) |
The export will only include data from the selected program sessions. |
Users selection |
Limits the exported data to include only the users you specifically select. When you filter by users, you are choosing a fixed list of users that does not change once the report is saved or automated. If no user is selected, the report will contain data for all users that the exporter can view the data of. Note: This method is appropriate for one-time reports. If you anticipate automatic updates, for example if you create an audience to enroll learners in a path session, we recommend using other filters, such as the Groups filter. |