Archive & filter course comments

  • Updated
  • Platform admins can archive comments in any course.
  • Group admins can archive comments published to their group.
  • The author and co-authors of the course can archive comments published in the course.

All of them can filter their forum to display only certain comments.

Archived comments are deleted after 1 year.

Archive a comment

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Courses.
  2. Click on a course.
  3. In the left sidebar, click on an activity.
  4. At the top right of the comment, click … → Archive.

Restore a comment

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Courses.
  2. Click on a course.
  3. In the left sidebar, click on an activity.
  4. At the top right of the forum, click Filter.
  5. Click Archived → Archived Comments.
  6. Close the filter box by clicking X on the right of Filter.
  7. At the top right of the archived comment, click … → Restore.

If you can’t see your archived comment, make sure the other filters are correctly configured.

Filter comments

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Courses.
  2. Click on a course.
  3. In the left sidebar, click on an activity.
  4. At the top right of the forum, click Filter.
  5. In each of the sections, select the criteria for displaying comments:
    • Pending (All, Pending or Completed) — display comments with the corresponding Feedback inbox status, or everything at once.
    • Internal (All, Internal or External) — display internal comments, external comments, or everything at once.
    • Archived (All, Archived, Live) — display archived comments, unarchived comments, or everything at once.

Criteria are cumulative (logical AND). If you select Pending → Completed and Internal → Internal, the forum will display comments that are completed and internal.

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