Add, edit, and delete tags

  • Updated

Tags are keywords that you can attach to courses, programs, or paths. You can use them to:

  • Select courses, program templates, program sessions, or paths in batch.
  • Analyze training statistics.
  • Filter training content in the catalog.

Create a tag

Platform administrators can create tags.

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Tags.
  2. At the top right, click plus.svg.
  3. On the top right of the list, click plus.svg.
  4. Enter a name.
  5. On the bottom right, click ADD TAG.

Administrators and authors may also create tags directly from the edition screen of a course, program template, or path:

  1. Open one of your courses, program templates, or paths in the edition screen.
  2. In the Tags section, click plus.svg.
  3. On the bottom left, click plus.svg.
  4. Enter a name.
  5. On the bottom right, click ADD TAG.

If authors cannot create tags on your platform, contact your Solution Architect (SA). It’s possible the feature has been deactivated in agreement with your platform administrators.

For optimal platform performance, we recommend creating no more than 100,000 tags in a single standard platform. See Tags technical limitations for more information.

Set Main tags

Platform administrators can set main tags.

Main tags are the only type of tags displayed when you click Tags at the top of the homepage. We recommend a maximum of 10 main tags, to keep the chart readable.

  1. In the left sidebar of the homepage, click on the platform group.
  2. At the top right, click settings.svg Settings.
  3. In the left sidebar, click KeywordsTags.
  4. On the right of the name of a tag, click ★ Set as main tag.

Click ★ again to turn back into a regular tag.

Add tags to courses

Add tags to a course

Platform administrators, authors, and administrators of the course’s owner group, the course’s main author and co-authors, can add up to 20 tags to a course.

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Courses.
  2. Click on a course.
  3. In the section Tags, click plus.svg.
  4. Select tags.
  5. On the bottom right, click SELECT TAGS.

For optimal platform performance, we recommend adding no more than 20 tags to each course. See Tags technical limitations for more information.

To remove tags from the course, click X on the right of the name of the tag.

Add tags to a course activity

Platform administrators, authors, and administrators of the course’s owner group, the course’s main author and co-authors, can add up to 20 tags to cheat sheets and questions (but not documents) of a course, on top of the course tags.

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Courses.
  2. Click on a course.
  3. In the left sidebar, click on an cheat sheet or a question.
  4. In the section Tags, click plus.svg.
  5. Select tags.
  6. On the bottom right, click SELECT TAGS.

For optimal platform performance, we recommend adding no more than 20 tags to each activity. See Tags technical limitations for more information.

To remove tags from the activity, click X on the right of the name of the tag.

Add a tag to multiple courses

Platform administrators can add tags to several courses at once.

  1. In the left sidebar of the homepage, click on the platform group.
  2. At the top right, click settings.svg Settings.
  3. In the left sidebar, click KeywordsTags.
  4. In the column Courses, click the number.
  5. Select the courses.
  6. On the bottom right, click CONFIRM.

For optimal platform performance, we recommend adding no more than 20 tags to each course. See Tags technical limitations for more information.

You can remove tags by unselecting courses at step 5.

Add tags to program templates

Add several tags to a program template

Platform administrators, and the creator of a program template, can add tags to a program template.

This will automatically add the tags to the sessions linked to that template, including running sessions.

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Program templates.
  2. Click on a program template.
  3. In the section Tags, click plus.svg.
  4. Select tags.
  5. On the bottom right, click SELECT TAGS.

To remove tags from the program template, click X on the right of the name of the tag.

Add a tag to several program templates

Platform administrators can add tags to several program templates at once.

  1. In the left sidebar of the homepage, click on the platform group.
  2. At the top right, click settings.svg Settings.
  3. In the left sidebar, click KeywordsTags.
  4. In the column Program Templates, click the number.
  5. Select the program templates.
  6. On the bottom right, click CONFIRM.

You can remove tags by unselecting program templates at step 5.

Add a tag to an assessment block

Platform administrators, and the creator of a program template, can add a tag to an assessment block, in a program template.

This will automatically add the tag to the assessment block in the sessions linked to that template, including running sessions.

You can only add one tag per assessment block. If you wish to assess several tags, we recommend you create one assessment block per tag.

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Program templates.
  2. Click on a program template.
  3. At the bottom of the Assessment, below Tags, click plus.svg.
  4. Select the tag.
  5. At the bottom right, click SELECT TAGS.

To remove the tag from the assessment block, click X on the right of the name of the tag.

Add tags to paths

For optimal platform performance, we recommend adding no more than 20 tags to each path. See Tags technical limitations for more information.

Add several tags to a path

Platform administrators, authors, and administrators of the path’s owner group, the path’s main author and co-authors, can add up to 20 tags to a path.

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Paths.
  2. On the right of the name of a path, click pen.svg Edit.
  3. Below the path description, click plus.svg (or ADD A TAG if there are no tags selected).
  4. Select tags.
  5. On the bottom right, click SELECT TAGS.

To remove tags from the path, click X on the right of the name of the tag.

Add a tag to several paths

Platform administrators can add tags to several paths at once.

  1. In the left sidebar of the homepage, click on the platform group.
  2. At the top right, click settings.svg Settings.
  3. In the left sidebar, click KeywordsTags.
  4. In the column Paths, click the number.
  5. Select the paths.
  6. On the bottom right, click CONFIRM.

You can remove tags by unselecting paths at step 5.

Add a tag section in the catalog

See Add a tag section in the catalog.

Edit a tag

Platform administrators can edit tags.

  1. In the left sidebar of the homepage, click on the platform group.
  2. At the top right, click settings.svg Settings.
  3. In the left sidebar, click KeywordsTags.
  4. Click on the name of a tag.
  5. Enter the new name
  6. At the bottom right, click SAVE.

Delete a tag

Platform administrators can delete tags.

  1. In the left sidebar of the homepage, click on the platform group.
  2. At the top right, click settings.svg Settings.
  3. In the left sidebar, click KeywordsTags.
  4. On the right of a tag, click bin.svg Delete.
  5. Click CONFIRM.

Tags technical limitations

To ensure optimal platform performance, we recommend limiting the amount of tags on your platform, as follows:

  • 20 tags per course activity
  • 20 tags per course
  • 20 tags per path
  • 100,000 tags in total in a single standard platform


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