Add a Certificate block to a program

  • Updated

This article concerns certificates in programs, which learners can earn when they successfully complete a program session.

  • If you’re looking for certificates in paths (which learners can earn when they successfully complete a path session), look here →
  • If you’re looking for certificates of completion (OPCO), which are essentially timesheets, look here →

Add a Certificate block

  1. At the top of the homepage, click Program templates.
  2. Click on a program template.
  3. On the bottom, click Certificate.
  4. In Title, enter a title.
  5. In Certification authority, enter the certification authority (usually: the name of your organization).
  6. In Description, enter the description.

You can optionally:

  • add a custom name to the Certificate (instead of « Certificate »), by clicking Custom under Certificate name and entering a new name;
  • add a contact to the Certificate, by filling the field below Contact;
  • add a validity period to the Certificate, by checking Validity period and entering a duration in months (the validity period will be written on the Certificate, but the Certificate will not be removed, and no notification will be sent to the Learner at the end of the period);
  • change the background image of the Certificate (see next section).

You can click PREVIEW at the bottom of the block to view the appearance of the Certificate.

All certificates contain a link to their digital copy at the bottom, which cannot be removed.

Change the background image of the Certificate

The new background image will be visible in sessions created after the change.

We recommend a size of 1500x1050 pixels, and using our template, to avoid overlap between your visuals and the text of the Certificate.

Download the background image template

  1. Open a program template.
  2. In the Certificate block, on the right of Background Image, click download.svg Download.

The template shows a red area, where the text of the Certificate will be added.

Upload the new background image

  1. Open a program template.
  2. In the Certificate block, below Background Image, click the thumbnail.
  3. Click OR SELECT A FILE.
  4. Choose a file on your computer.

Conditions for receiving a Certificate

Learners receive the Certificate as soon as they complete the previous block.

  • If the previous block is a course in Learning or Training mode with a minimum score, Learners will have to (re)play the course until they reach the minimum score. They will receive the Certificate once they have completed the course.
  • If the previous block is a course in Examination mode with a minimum score, Learners only have one attempt to receive the Certificate. If they fail, they will have to start a new program session and attempt to reach the minimum score.

When a session reaches its end date:

  • if a Learner started a course in a mode other than Examination, and without a minimum score, immediately before a Certificate, they receive the Certificate;
  • if a Learner started a block other than a course, immediately before a Certificate, they receive the Certificate.
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